Universities & Institutions









INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO PESQUERO (ITP)-Fishing Technological Institute



UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA (UNALM)-La Molina Agricultural National University









Address: Av. Ramón Mujica 131, Sector El Chipe. Apartado 353. Piura.

Telephone: (+74)-328171

Fax: (074)-328645

Web site: www.udep.edu.pe



Seed Laboratory

Eng. Jorge Vera-Tudela

e-mail: jverat@udep.edu.pe



"Pilot-scale extensive reforestation of carob trees Prosopis juliflora in the dessert region of Peru - Grau Region".

Approved: Oct. 1993

Ends: Oct. 1996

Financial Source: European Economical Comission

Ammount: 350,000 ecus (US $450,000)

Goals: Determine a new reforestation methodology to restore damages in dessertic areas. This new methodology consists mainly in:

a)Preparing the seeds to be directly planted

b)Protecting the seeds to be planted from an aeroplane (Pelletizing them).

Development: First stage: seed treatment to accelerate budding (it normally takes 14 days; the treated seed reaches 80% of its germination capacity 18 hours after the treatment, when it is suspended using cold water for posterior seeding).

Field test results: 38% of the treated seeds germinated. These were seeded using manual techniques (they were manually buried), and only 1-3% of the ones seeded from an aeroplane germinated. That was the reason why pelletizing was proposed, to avoid the damaging effects of radiation.

Second Stage: 1000 ha seeded using manual techniques and by aeroplane; the seeds will be pelletized, and is planned for the next "El Niño" event (1997). A program aiming to protect 25 trees/ha against ants and lizards (responsible for the death of young plants) will start.


Sanitary Engineering Laboratory

Eng. Ana María Chávez

e-mail: amchavez@udep.edu.pe


Research lines:
Waste water treatment using pilot scale oxidative lagoons. Analysis of the impact produced in the underground water layer by infiltration of the oxidative lagoon.



"Study and evaluation of oxidative lagoons and thir impact in population".

Year: 1991

Finantial Source: OPS/OMS

Goals: Evaluate the sanitary quality of crops irrigated with waste water treated in an oxidative lagoon in Piura.

Abstract: E. coli and Salmonella contamination was evaluated in lettuce, tomatoe, radish and sweet potatoes irrigated with waste eatwr. The contamination levels were most considerable in products like radish wich grow underground.


"Optimization of stabilization lagoons systems using low cost artifitial aeration technologies."

Finantial Source: UDEP/SEDAPIURA

Ammount: US $10,000

Goals: Evaluate the use of eolic energy as an alternative to improve the yield of UDEP stabilization lagoons.

Abstract: The aeration capacity of the lagoon system was improved by using wind mills, eliminating the dead points and improving the oxygen distribution in different levels of the lagoon.


"Vibrio Cólera removal from stabilization lagoons"

Time Period: March 1995-June 1996

Finantial Source: OPS/OMS

Ammount: US $22,000

Goals: Generate a mathematical model which predicts from coliform analysis how much Vibrio the stabilization lagoons contain.

Abstract: A relationship between total coliforms and Vibrio Colera will be searched for, to obtain a suitable indicator for the latter.



Sanitary and Environmental Engineering National Congress, Chiclayo 1993).


International Aid: OPS, GTZ (Germany, to implement the laboratory)

Nacional Aid: Sedapiura, Fonavi, Foncodes.


Laboratory Area: 97 m2

Equipment: UV-visible spectophotometer, flame and atomic absortion; automatic water sampler for 24 bottles; oximeter (to measure dissolved oxygen); Warburg respirometer (for BOD); turbidometer

Staff: 3 professionals, 2 technicians.




Processes and Industrial Analysis Section.

Chemistry Laboratory.

Eng. Jose Luis Barranzuela / Dr. Nora Grados

e-mail: jlbarran@udep.edu.pe


Research lines:

Industrial utilization of local resources.



"Industrialization of crabtree fruits"

Note: Multinational Project sponsored by a foreign company.

Abstract: Interest in carob tree meal production (as a wheat substitute), coffee, carob tree extract for exporting and gum extraction for feeding purposes.


"Obtaining Ethanol from carob trees."

"Obtaining methane gas from fishing industry stick water."



Chemistry Society Bulletin.


Internationl Aid fom spanish universities in Valenzia, Oviedo and Barcelona.



Area: 450 m2 (3 rooms)

-External analysis Laboratory (food, soil and water analysis)

-Instrumental Laboratory

-Microbiological analysis Laboratory


Equipment: UV-visible spectophotometer, ABBE refractometer, gas cromatography equipment, viscosimeter, rotavapor, soxhlet, kjeldahl, powdering mill, centrifuge.

Techniques: submerged/solid fermentation, enzyme immobilization.

Staff: 4 professionals, 2 technicians.



Biomedical Laboratory

Dr. Edda Guerra

e-mail: eguerra@udep.edu.pe



"Lysteria monocitogenes measurements in frozen fish."

Finantial aid: UDEP/CONCYTEC

Ammount: US $1,500

Abstract: L. monocitogenes determination in frozen products by selection, biochemical tests and using optical microscope, to certify quality for the fish exporting industry.





Address: Campus Universitario, Miraflores s/n Apartado 295. Piura

Telephone number: (074)-328491

Fax: (074)-343184

Web Page: www.unp.edu.pe


Zootechnics Faculty Research Center.

Dr. Adrián Guzmán

email: zootecni@unpiur.edu.pe


Research lines:

Nutrition, feeding, reproduction and animal health.



"Study of Temporary Agricultural Systems in reserved areas of Tumbes".

Finantial Aid: GTZ and Fundación Pro-Naturaleza.

Abstract: Evaluate the production systems in the area to improve agricultural and cattle production, trying not to alter the ecological balance.


University scientific journal

Guerrero, J.A. and A.W. Guzman. 1995. "Determination of the optimal moment of artifitial insemination in dairy cattle". Universalia Vol.2, Nro. 1, pp 117- 126.

Abstract: With the aim to determine the optimal moment of insemination and the reduction of the pregnancy services number, 21 Holstein cows were inseminated 10, 14 and 18 hours after the first must was observed for the first time. Results show that the best time for insemination was 14 hours after with a 100% confirmed pregnancy rate.



Area: 180 m2

Nutrition, Analysis, Reproduction, Insemination and Embryo Transfer laboratories.

Equipment: semen packaging and sealing machines, freezing machines (-196 C), insemination and embryo transfer equipment proximal and bromatological analysis equipment.

Techniques: in vivo fertilization, embryo transplant.

Staff: 18 professors.



Fishing and FoodTechnology Department.

Quality Control Laboratory.

Eng. Fermín Saavedra (Dean)


Research Lines:

Acuiculture and Food Technology.



"The use of fishing industry residues combined with banana peels to feed porcine."

In agreement with Paita government.


"Fish silage processing using Trachurus symmetricus murphyi residues in bacterial fermentations."

Abstract: Fish residues are cooked, grinded and inoculated with lactic bacteria from yogurt in a fermentable substrate (sugar) for a 72 hour period of time. The product is then stored at room temperature, remaining a stable product even after 30 days.



Area: 80 m2

Fish Products Quality Control Laboratory (physical and chemical analysis, Microbiology Laboratory.

Staff: 4 professors, 5 technicians.




Chemical Engineering Department.

Organic Chemistry Laboratory.

Eng. Juan Cruz.



"Chinese Reactor Construction"

Year: 1985

Finantial Aid: UNP

Ammount: s/.3,500

Goal: To obtain liquid and solid fertilizer to grow alfalfa and cantaloupe.

Abstract: On the first stage an aerobic fermentation is carried on using dried vegetable residues and fresh manure as substrates. On the second stage (submerged fermentation), the reactor is loaded with the product of the first fermentation, and ruminal liquid with biogenic bacteria is added (from the mondongo washing). Gas is obtained as a final product, which can be used as fuel; biol (liquid fertilizer) and biosol (solid fertilizer) for horticulture is also obtained.


"Sugar Cane alcoholic fermentation"

In agreement with technological institutes as social projection work.

Goal: to produce alcohol from sugar cane juice fermentation to obtain rum.



Area: 120 m2

Techniques: submerged/solid fermentation.

Staff: 1 professor




Microbiology Laboratory

Biolog. Dorothy Torres.

email: dtorres@ciencias.unp.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Water and Food Microbiology

Biological Control.



"Bacterial Biocides."

Finantial Aid: CONCYTEC

Ammount: S/.1,500

Abstract: Bacillus turingiensis var. israeliensis development as a biocontrolling agent of Malaria. Localization of water bodies were the Malaria larva grows to introduce the microorganism.


"The use of microorganisms for agricultural plague control."

Project presented to the BID for US $200,000.



In Congresses and the Universitie´s Scientific Journal.



Area: 60 m2

Equipment: centrifuge, balance, autoclave, microscope

Staff: 9 professors.




Tissue Culture Laboratory

Dr. César Delgadillo (Dean)

Eng. César Puicón (responsible)


Resarch Lines:

Potatoe germoplasm bank (19 varieties)



"Production of virus free Potatoe seed"

Finantial Aid: Min. Agricultura/UNP

Ammount: US $30,000

Abstract: in vitro reproduction of virus free plantules and greenhouse propagation to obtain prebasic seed. Further propagation to obtain certified seeds for commercial purposes.


Project "MoscaMet" for fruit fly treatment.

In agreement with SENASA (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria) from the Agricultural Ministry, to eliminate fruit flies using radiation.

Goal: to produce sterile flies with radiation to eliminate them from citrics and mango for exporting purposes.

National cooperation: SENASA/Min. Agricultura, INIA

International cooperation: CIP, Agencia canadiense CIDAT (Canadian International Development Agency).



Area: 20 m2

Equipment: for tissue culture (laminar flow chamber, controled temperature chamber).

Staff: 3 professors, 1 technician .




Address: Ciudad Universitaria-Lambayeque

Telephone: (074)-283610

Fax: (074)-282061



Tissue Culture Laboratory

Ph.D. Guillermo Delgado


Research Lines:

Tissue culture as a mean to do celular biology and plant physiology studies.



"Plant regeneration from fibrous roots, and development of tuberous roots in in vitro sweet potatoe".

Goal: To determine endogenous and exogenous factors, specially growth regulators in plant regeneration processes in fibrous roots plants and the development of tuberous roots in sweet potatoe.


"Development of propagation and conservation systems by in vitro tissue culture of native species with forestry potential in the semi arid region in northern Peru.".

Abstract: the collected species were Prosopis palida (carob tree), Acacia macracantha (faique), Loxoptegium huasango (hualtaco), Bursera graveolens (palo santo), Capparis angulata (sapote). Hualtaco seeds germinated.


"Culture of sexual embryos, node propagation and somatic embryogenesis in coffee (Coffea arábica)".

Abstract: Different culture media and incubation conditions were tested until complete plans were obtained and transfered to soil.

Finantial Aid:

Sao Paolo University, Brazil.



Microbiology Laboratory

M.Sc. Maria Olivos Faro


Research Lines:

The search for fungi for secondary metabolites production with possible industrial use.



"Selection of fungi with the capacity to produce enzymes for acetic acid production"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/UNPRG

Ammount: S/.68,300

Goal: Selection of strains with the capacity to produce enzymes for acetic acid production using fungal degradation of cellulosic waste material from markets in Chiclayo.


"Microbiological antagonism and fungicides for oidium control in bean plants"

Abstract: Tha fungicide capacity of Trichoderma viride over Oidium in local bean plants (blanco variety) was studied.



University magazine:

Olivos, M. 1995. "Integrated control of 'oidium' using Trichoderma viride and Sumi-B in Cucumis melo L. plants. Avances en Ciencia and Tecnología.

Abstract: It was observed that applying a spore suspension of Trichoderma over cantaloupe plants has almost the same effect controlling "oidium" than applying Sumi-B fungicide.


Prof. Carlos Espinoza


"Obtaining Salmonella thyphi Somatic and Flagelar Antigen for diagnosis."

Goal: To determine the innocuousness of isolated Salmonella strains inoculated in rabbits for antibodies production.



Industrial Microbiology Laboratory

Prof. Carlos Villanueva Aguilar



"Application of the Box Benken superficial response technique to optimize microbial processes in stired bioreactors"

Goal: To apply the Box Benken superficial response technique to optimize production parameters in a fermentation process in stired bioreactors.

Abstract: The Box-Benken technique is used to optimize industrial fermentation media containing two or more variables. A 1.1 L glass bioreactor with a mechanical stiring system is used. The culture medium is honey must, and the microorganism is Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus MIT 51. Three variables were studied: inoculum size, sugar concentration and fermentation time in an alcoholic fermentation process.


"The influence of three combinations of lactic iniciators over the acidity and aroma of hand made butter".

Goal: To isolate and select mixed cultures of native lactic streptococcus and Leuconostoc cremoris to evaluate their combinations and spread them to improve hand made butter quality.



Prof. Carmen Calderón.

Research line:

Bioinsecticides production.



"Ecological handling of plagues and soil in maize production in the Motupe valley".

Goals: To determine the efficiency of plant extracts for regulating Spodoptera frugiperda, Diatraea sacharalis and Heliothis zea populations. To find the efficiency of B. thuringiensis applied mixed and in alternation with plant extracts for controlling the maize plagues described before.



Llontop, J., C. Calderón, E. Becerra, A. Barrantes. 1996. The efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis mixed and in alternation with two vegetable extracts for the control of Spodoptera frugiperda, Heliotis zea and other maize plagues. Avances en Ciencia and Tecnología, in press.

Abstract: The efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis was prooved for controlling the maize plagues described before.



Biochemistry Laboratory

Biolog. Pedro Chimoy


Research Lines:

Recombinant and mitochondrial DNA.



"The search for restriction activity in native strains of de E. coli."

Goal: To obtain restriction enzymes for future recombinant DNA studies.



University magazine:

Chambergo, F. and P. Chimoy. 1994. Detection of Restriction activity in E. coli. Avances en Ciencia and Tecnología, Año 1, Nro. 1, pp. 17-24.

Abstract: Restriction activity was detected in 148 clinical isolates of E. coli. The enzymatic activity of the partially purified extracts was analized and 52 isolates with restriction activity were obtained.




Tissue Culture Laboratory/Biotechnology

Dr. Olga Vallejos


Research Lines:

Potatoe plantules production using micropropagation.



"Virus free potatoe seeds Production"

In agreement with the Agriculture Ministry.





Address: Ciudad Universitaria-Trujillo

Telephone: (044)-235841

Fax: (044)-247656

Web page: www.unitru.edu.pe/index1.html



Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory

Ph.D. Helí Miranda

email: hmiran@unitru.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Production of industrial microbial enzymes for bioremediation and traditional fermentation.



"Production of microbial amilases."

Finantial aid: Trujillo National University

Ammount: US $3,500

Goal: To search for microbial thermostable amilases. Improve thermal stability by mutagenesis and optimize production.


"Production of acid and alcaline proteases"

Financtial aid: Trujillo National University

Ammount: US $3,500

Goal: To search for proteases to hidrolize crio-precipitable beer proteins and keratin.


"Biological treatment of waste material"

Goal: Treatment of leather industry waste water. Evaluation of the UASB Systema (Ascendent Flow and Mud bed Anaerobic System).



"Rebiol" magazine from the Biological Scinces Faculty.



Area: 100 m2

Equipment: liuid fermentation reactors (2 of 7 L capacity, and 10 of 1 L capacity), also an air lift reactor and a fermentator for culture transfer .

Techniques: protein purifiction, mutagenesis, protoplast fusion, cell transformation, submerged fermentation, cell and enzyme immobilization, continous processes. process control.

Staff: 4 professors.



Enzymology LAboratory

Ph.D. Fausto Cueva

email: biologic@unitru.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Microbial and Plant Enzymes of industrial interest. Amilase source evaluation.



"Papaya amilase evaluation"

Finantial aid: Trujillo National University

Goal: Evaluate papaya fruit as an amilase source and enzyme characterization (amilases vary depending on the stage of development of the fruit)


"Bacillus subtilis and B liquiniformes. amilase evaluation"

Finantial aid: Trujillo National University

Goal: Evaluate amilase from different isolations and enzyme characterization. To observe the effect of anaerobiosis in the enzyme production.



In Rebiol (Faculty Magazine)




Area: 25 m2

Equipment: for chromatography, electrophoresis; liofilization.

Techniques: DNA extraction/purification , protein purification, isoenzymes, protein sequence, mutagenesis, protoplas obtention, bioreactor design, fsubmerged fermentation, enzyme immobilization.

Personal: 2 professors, 1 technician.



Plant Physiology and Tissue Culture Laboratory

Biolog. Eloy Lopez

E-mail: slopez@unitru.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Virus free potatoe seed production.



"Obtaining virus free potatoe seeds through meristem culture and micropropagation."

In agreement with Ministry of Agriculture .

Finantial aid: US $54,000

Goal: To supply seeds for the farmers in the region.



Local magazines: "Biovisión" University Magazine



Area: 70 m2

Equipment: Laminar flow chamber, thermotherapy chamber.

Techniques: tissue culture, micropropagation.

Staff: 4 professors, 3 technicians.




Address: Av. Alcides Carrión s/n. Arequipa.

Telephone: (054)-284372

Fax: (054)-237755

Web page: www.unsa.edu.pe



Biology Department

Plant Physiology and Biotechnology Laboratory.

M.Sc. Herber Lazo

email: biologia@unsa.edu.pe


Research Lines:

In vitro culture development for the production of potatoe microtubers.

Quinua callus culture.



"Evaluation of metabolic and physiological response to frosts/droughts in 15 quinua cultivars."

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/UNSA

Ammount: US $5,000

Goal: To observe if the frost/drought resistance of selected plants is maintained in in vitro cultures obtaines from them.


"Azolla production as organic material for rice cultures."

Goal: biomass production, for which different culture media and the effect of macronutrients are tested.



In congress reviews.



Area: 50 m2 (3 rooms)

Equipment: essential for tissue culture, electrophoresis.

Staff: 1


Genetics Laboratory

Prof. Elías Ponce.


Research Lines:

Gentical improvement, in vitro culture, citogenetics integrated programme.



"Pilot programme for the production of pathogen free seeds of garlic, potatoe, papaya and strawberry"

Finantial aid: UNSA

Ammount: US $50,000

Goal: To obtain pathogen free plants for the production of basic seeds, and then transfer the technology to the farmers of the area.


"Virus free garlic seeds production."

Finantial aid: US $89,000

Goal: Identify and characterize garlic viruses. Combine thermotherapyand meristem culture to obtain pathogen free plants. Production of garlic basic seeds microtubules.



In FAO Bulletins.



Area: 35 m2

Equipment: essential for tissue culture, electrophoresis, thermotherapy chambers.

Techniques: DNA extraction/purification, isoenzymes, mutagenesis, cell/tissue culture.

Staff: 3 professsors.



Agronomy Department

Address: Calle 1 s/n, Urb. Aurora. Arequipa.

Telephone: (054)-237758,

Fax: (054)-237755


Agrobiotechnology Laboratory

Prof. Roxana Bardales

Telephone. (054)-220338


Research Lines:

In vitro propagation for the production of potatoe and garlic seeds.

In vitro propagation of fruit trees: strawberry, lucumo, citrics, grapes, papaya.



"Production of potatoe seeds in agreement with Ministry of Agriculture"

Goal: To produce greenhouse tubers and technology transfer to farmers and seeders.


"Production of garlic seed"

Agreement with Ministry of Agriculture

Ammount: US $10,000

Goal: to obtain garlic seeds with exporting quality.



In congresses.



Area: 60 m2 (3 rooms)

Equipment: essential for tissue culture.

Techniques: mutagénesis and cultivo de tejidos

Staff: 1 professor.





Address: Apartado 220. Ayacucho.

TeleFax: (064)-812510



Industrial and food Microbiology Section.

Microbiology Laboratory

Biolog. Fidel Mujica


Research lines:

Fermented food/beverages. Solid substrate production of enzymes.



All projects with university finantial aid

"Production of sauce (similar to soy sauce) from Lupinus mutabilis (tarwi) fermentation"

"Production of sauce (similar to soy sauce) from Eritrina edulis (basul) fermentation"

"Production of yogurt with immobilized cells"

"Protease and amilase production by solid substrate fermentation with Aspergillus oryzae."

"Citric acid production with Aspergillus niger from opuntia peels "

"Vinegar production with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter sp. from regional fruits (opuntia, pineapple)."

"Identification of edible wild fungi in valleys near the Ayacucho city."

"Toxicity bioessays of three strains of ATCC Bacillus thuringiensis over potatoe moths"



University magazines.



Area: 35 m2

Equipment: essential for the laboratory, solid substrate reactor

Techniques: DNA extraction, mutagenesis, submerged/solid fermentation.

Staff: 3 professors.


Other projects of the Biological Sciences Faculty:

"Obtainment and optimization of gelatin from tara "

Responsible: Biolog. Jose Yarlequé

Abstract: products obtained by hydrolisis are of vital importance for the development of industrial fermentations with new raw materials alternative for sugar cane and turnip liquors.


"Citric acid obtainment by submerged fermentation from natural sources of sacharose"

Responsible: Biolog. Vidalina Andina.

Goal: evaluate the production yield of citric acid by submerged fermentation, using opuntia and banana peels as substrates, inoculated with pure cultures of A. niger, with the least fermentation time.



-Ochoa, V., V. Andía and W. Ochoa. 1994. "Isolation and characterization ofXanthomonas campestris and xantana gum production". Research Year 2, Nro. 2, pp. 28-34.

Abstract: Isolation of Xanthomonas campestris, from sick cole leafs in YCDA medium. A submerged fermentation in 250 ml flasks using a specific production medium containing sucrose as carbon source and ammonium nitrate as nitrogen source, aside from phosphorus and other micronutrients. A xantana gum production of 32 g/L was estimated.


-Yarlequé, J., J. Gómez, S. Romero and T. Miranda. 1994. "Ethanol production by cacao bioconvertion (Theobroma cacao L.) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 4126 immobilized cells". Research Year 2, Nro. 2, pp. 34-38.

Abstract: The substrate was previously hydrolized with sulphuric acid at 121ºC. The work was done with 4 reactors, each one with a different medium, but caring to keep the same ammount of fermentative reduction sugars and an homogenous pH. The most quantity of ethanol produced was 4.5 g/100 ml, in the reactor containing the richest substrate.




Biotechnology Laboratory

Eng. Germán de la Cruz Lapa


Research Lines:

Conservation of genetic resources, in vitro germoplasm, seed production and viral pathogens elimination, serology.



"In vitro tissue culture of andean plant resources, Opuntia sp."

Goal: To search a culture medium which allows the in vitro stablishment of opuntia for its multiplication and/or conservation.

"Differenciation and organogenesis of jicamo or yacon"

"Conservation of andean tubers´germoplasm: oca, olluco, mashua, yacón."

"Potatoe seed production (tubers) to give away seeds in the region"

Agreement with Ministry of Agriculture



University magazine; De la Cruz, G. and V. Flores. 1994. "In vitro tissue culture of andean plant resources; Opuntia spp". research Año 2, Nro. 2, pp. 22-27.

Abstract: Previous studies for the in vitro culture ofOpuntia sp.. A desinfection method for tissues using mercury chloridewas tested. The shortest time of exposure to the mercury chloride proved a greater percentage of morfogenesis.


De la Cruz, G. 1995. "Organogenesis and somatic differentiation of Tropaeolum tuberosum from in vitro meristems". Investigación Year 3, Nro. 3, pp. 27-29 (magazine).

Abstract: The effect of the composition of different in vitro culture media was tested on the differentiation and organogenesis of mashua meristems.


International aid: CIP and CIAT (Potatoe International Center and Tropical Agriculture Research Center)



Area: 420 m2 (5 rooms)

Equipment: laminar flow chamber, thermotherapy chamber.

Techniques: tissue culture

Staff: 2 professors, 2 technicians.



Eng. Guido Palomino Hernandez (Dean)


Research Projects:

"Chemical composition and essays for the using of tara seed gum in foods".

Responsible: Eng. Luis Salinas Cortez

Goal: To extract gum from the tara seed and determine its chemical composition. To find the right technology to process the tara seed gum and promote its use in the food industry, making essays and finding adecuate formulations.


"Obtaining galic acid from tara usingAspergillus".

Responsible: Eng. Tiburcio Reynoso

Goal: Optimize parameters to obtain galic acid from tara using A. niger.


"Ethanol production by hydrolisis-fermentation of agricultural cellulosic waste products".

Responsible: Eng. César Granados

Goal: to use the agricultural cellulosic waste products with an adecuate technology for the production of ethanol; including cellulose hydrolisis and sugar based substrate fermentations.


"The study of continous reactor models"

Responsible: Eleuterio Paniagua.

Goal: To develop technology for continuos fluidized beds reactors with immobilized cells; kinetic study and their physicochemical behaviour. Construction and design of prototipes for the production of citric acid and other products of industrial interest, and the evaluation of operational parameters.



University magazine: Reynoso, T. 1995. "Galic acid obtention from tara, using Aspergillus niger". Research year 3, Nro. 3, pp. 101-102.

Abstract: The optimal parameters were determined, at an experimental level, for the production of galic acid using tara meal as a substrate. This way 91 mg/ml of galic acid were obtained 90 hours after the submerged fermentation, which corresponds to a 60% yield.




M.Sc. Jorge García-Blasquez


Research Line:

Enzyme immobilization for the production of alcohol from starch.

Extraction of edible essential oils.

Artifitial making of human milk.





Address: Av. de la Cultura 733. Cuzco

Telefax: (084)-238173 222271

Web page: www.unsaac.edu.pe



Biotechnology Laboratory

M.Sc. Luz Marina Ponce


Research Line:

Bioconversion of lignocellulosic residues.



"Using of agriculture and forestry residues in the production of vegetable proteon enriched food."

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/UNSAAC, 1989

Abstract: Wheat stubble and wood sawdust was used for the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium, and then as cattle feed.


"Protein enrichment of lignocellulosic residues with Pleurotus ostreatus for animal feeding"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/UNSAAC, 1992

Abstract: Maize residues were used as a substrate for scaling the process.


"Obtainment of non conventional protein for human nutrition from Pleurotus ostreatus, Estropharia rugoso-annulata, using lignocellulosic material of the Inca region".

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/UNSAAC, 1994

Ammount: US $2,300.

Abstract: cacao peels were used as a substrate. coffee peels, white maize residues, wheat stubble and wood sawdust. The fructiferous body of the fungi is destined for human nutrition, while the remaining substrate for ruminant animals. The transfer of technology to farmers is planned.


"Saccharomyces uvarum immobilization in clay beads"

Finantial aid: UNSAAC, 1993.

Goal: to study the adherence mechanism of S. uvarum to the clay base.


"Optimization of San Gerónimo red clay for the immobilization of S. uvarum"

Goal: to obtain ethanol using malt must.


"Aerobic digestion as an alternative for sanitary mud treatment"

Goal: to construct a reactor for the aerobic fermentation of sanitary muds.


"Isolation and identification of cellulolitic fungi of Macchu picchu".



In the faculty magazine



Area: 30 m2 (2 rooms)

Equipment: essential for research

Techniques: protein purification, mutagenesis, protoplast fusion, submerged/solid fermentation, cell immobilization, continous processes, processes control.

Staff: 2 professors.


Microbiology Laboratory

Blga. Nora Ugarte .

Fax: 084-238173

email: neub@chaski.unsaac.edu.pe



"The culture of edible fungi: Pleurotus ostreatus, Auricularia fuscosuccinia, Suilos sp., for commertial purposes."

"Inca region nitrifying microorganisms´ bank, and the development of technology for the production of inoculants."

"Regional naive fruis industrialization: elder tree fruit, mountain papaya, medlar tree fruit, tumbo, opuntia, passion fruit."




CERRGETYR (Tuberous and Roots Genetic Resources Regional Center)
Eng. Ramiro Ortega

Address: Granja K'ayra. Apartado 295. Cuzco

Telephone: (084)-277246, 277354 (084)-226928 (house phone)

Fax: (084)-221632


Research Line:

Andean tubers and roots germoplasm bank.

Biologic control of potatoe and oca plagues.



"Conservation and characterization of andean roots and rhizomes (virraca, yacon, achira)"


"Production of potatoe botanical seed" In agreement with International Potatoe Center to hand them potatoe seeds.


"Integrated control of oca´s weevil"

Finantial aid: COTESU (Swiss Technical Corporation), CIP (International Potatoe Center).

Ammount: US $23,000

Goal: To develop an integrated programme emphasising biological conrol of oca´s weevil with Bauveria brongniartii and Verticillum lecanii, and the oca´s genetic resistance against the plague.


"Production of entomogenous fungi for the andean potatoe weevil´s plague control".

Finantial aid: SENASA/Ministry of Agriculture

Ammount: US $20,000

Goal: Production of twu entomogenous fungi, Bauveria brongniartii and Baculovirus phtorimaea, for the control of weevil in storage areas.



Area: 170 m2 (4 rooms)

Staff: 3 professors.




Fishery research Institute

Dr. Guy Carvajal


Address: Carr. Ventanilla Km. 5.2. Callao.

Telephone: (01)-5770118, 5770116

Fax: (01)-5770202


Research Lines and Projects:

Molecular methods for the control of industrial contaminants as:

a)pathogenic bacteria (Lysteria, Salmonella, Vibrio colera)

b)decomposing amines. PCR is used to detect industrial processes´ contaminating bacteria, as well as for the diagnose of fish and prawn illnesses. Enzymatic kits (as "Histamin") for the rapid detection af decomposition amines in fish industry.

The use of microorganisms for the using of industrial residues in the fishing industry.

The use of lactic bacteria for silage processes.

Cromosome manipulation in scallop shells. Ploidy induction for cromosome manipulation during the embryonary reproduction mechanism. Triploids were not fertile, an increase in muscular weight is induced, better distribution of flavour and influence on the gonad´s pigmentation. This technology has been developed in association with Mary Export, a private company; currently the its industrial application is being studied (mortality percentage, compared yield against native populations).

Preliminar studies for gene microinjection. Joint projectwith Chile. Study of the stability of the microinjected B-galactosidase gene in zebra fish.

The use of lactic bacteria for the making of new food products with fermentation, based on marine protein and animal fat. A pre-productive stage has been developed: high quality and low cost products are obtained, as creams and puddings for the younger population.

Mutagenic and carcinogenic agents detection using genotoxicity tests. Rutinary use for environmental pollution tests.

The development of technology for the extraction of fatty acids from the Omega series (against cholesterol deposition).

Fish taxonomy using isoenzymes.

Polimer obtention, (like chitin).


Finantial aid:

Ministry of Economics and Finances: annual budget of US $3'000,000 (10% for research).


Technical and Scientific cooperation agreement:

Germany, England, Japan. US $250,000-$1'000,000.

Ministry of Fishery funds.

Projects with CONCYTEC.


Other aid:

Private companies: ADEX, SNP, SNI, Acuiculture Association, Ind. Avicola

Technical assesment is offered to Central America and counries of the South Pacific.

JICA: Japan finances training in foreign countries.



Carvajal, G., J. Sanchez, M. Ayala, and A. Hase. 1996. Differential characteristics between marine and clinicalVibrio cholerae during the peruvian epidemic. In press.

Abstract: Important differences between isolated strains of marine species compared with strains from hospitalized patients were found, concluding that the marine environment is not the main cause of the cholera outbrake in Peru; there is risk when consuming raw shell fish from the contaminated zones.


Carvajal, G. 1990. Luminous bacteria and technology. Boletín de Lima (ed. internac.) 71:89-95.

Abstract: The isolation of two luminous bacterial species present in the peruvian marine environment and whicha have great biotechnological aplicability is described. Among the numerous applications derived from the use of these microorganisms is the posibility to obtain various enzymes (lipases, esterases, amilases, etc.) useful for the food industry, detergents, textiles and for the development of bacterial diagnosis methods.


Carvajal, G. 1988. Thioploca, a curious filamenous marine bacteria. Boletín de Lima (ed. internac.) 55:10-12.

Abstract: The isolation of this microorganism in the peruvian sea is described, frequently being in the marine outcropping zones and a possible indicator of the high primary productivity; it is present in the ocean bed, in the limit of anoxic conditions. This is a filamentous species and metabolizes mineral compounds in the ocean bed associated to the deposition of minerals like manganese and uranium. The future study of this microorganism for further technological research is of great interest.


Carvajal, G. and Thilly. 1988. Mutagenic activity of Mintostachys mollis (muña) in AHH1 lymphoblast cells. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 30:105-114.

Abstract: The utility of muña extract as food preservative is described, as long as its use does not exceed 30 ug/ml concentrations which is the limit where it becomes genotoxic for human cells. Afterwards, the good preservation of precolumbine textiles of the Antropological Museum has been proved, using the essential volatile extract which eliminates the fungi rotting these valuable materials (reported on the VIII Peruvian Microbiology Congress, 1990).


Carvajal, G. 1990. Sardine Genetical Variation. Bol. Inv. Ins. Tec. Pes. #3.

Abstract: A study model is proposed for the genetic variation of fish using the isoelectrofocalization of the muscle´s sarcoplasmatic proteins. The way in which the procedure has been applied and its posterior extension in abundant peruvian species as sardine and "anchoveta" (another kind of sardine) for a better study of the population dinamics.


Carvajal, G. 1990. Marine biotechnology: a propper technology for Peru. Bol. Inv. Ins. Tec. Pes. #3.

Abstract: The great progress done until the date in this field is reviewed. This article is part of the First Marine Biotechnology Congress held by the ITP for the peruvian managing sector.


Ayala, M. 1994. Saccharomyces bayanus immobilization on alginate and chitosane. Bol. Inv. Ins. Tec. Pes., Vol. 4(1):69-76.

Abstract: A brief study on Saccharomyces bayanus immobilization on alginate and chitosane matrixes for ethanol production. Being chitosane an adecuate matrix for microbial, animal and plant cell immobilization, its possible use in glucose fermentation with yeast was studied. The results show a possible inhibitory effect of chitosane as a matrix for glucose fermentation.


Areche, N., Z. Berenz and G. León. 1994. Fish residues silage utilization in pig nutrition. Bol. Inv. Ins. Tec. Pes., Vol. 4(1):77-90.

Abstract: Experimental essays were carried on with pigs fed with diets containing 10(E-10), 20(E-20) and 30(E-30) parts of fish residue silages on a base uses as a control sample. During the test, the pigs showed a satisfactory healthy state, and the ones nourished with (E-10) and (E-20) diets showed a greater increase in weight and a better conversion index, nourishment efficiency and proteic efficiency compared to the ones fed with the control diet.



Area: Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory (390 m2); Biochemistry and Instrumental Laboratory de Bioquímica, Chemistry Laboratory (600 m2).

Equipment: PCR, electrophoresis, chromatography, HPLC, GC, atomic absortion, photometer, biophotoregistrator, microtomy, aquariums, UV-sterile chamber, optical microscope, epiflourescence. Industrial incubation chamber, cold chambers (- 25ºC, -35ºC). industrial pilot plants for all kinds of technological processes. Technological transfer system, economical studies, industrial feasibility, cost studies, marketing, technological packages, production.

Techniques: monoclonal antibodies, DNA extraction/purification, protein purification, isoenzymes, mutagenesis, cell transformation, solid substrate fermentation, cell/enzyme immobilization, in vitro fertilization, gene microinjection.

Staff: 12 scientific researchers (2 Ph.D.; 4 M.Sc. and 6 professionals)




Molecular Biology Division

Dr. Ysabel Montoya

Address: Capac Yupanqui 1400. Jesus Maria. Lima

Telefax: (+51-1) 471 9920 ext 129

E-mail: ymontoya@ins.sld.pe


Research Lines:

Molecular Entomology.

Development of diagnosis kits using molecular biology techniques.

Plasmodium falciforme drug resistance using PCR.



"Nested PCR diagnose for Dengue fever(DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4).

"Genetic polymorphism of the Dengue Virus E glycoprotein gene analysis."

"Molecular clonning of the Dengue NSI Protein"

"Molecular diagnosis using PCR for brucellosis, yellow fever, leishmaniasis."

"Genetical variability and drug resistance in P. falciparum isolates using PCR."

"Genetic polymorphism in Brucella melitensis."

"Molecular Entomology."

"Genes involved in humoral response to leishmaniasis and "Chagas illness.""

"Moleculat characterization of cDNA clones fromLeishmania (V)peruviana and L.(V) braziliensis libraries"

"Recombinant antigens as serological tools for specific and sensitive tegunmentary and visceral Leishmaniasis diagnostic"

Finantial aid: European Community Commission

Ammount: 166,000 ecus

Abstract: Development of a diagnosis kit for American tegumentary leishmaniasis using recombinant peptides, for which a selection and validation of synthetic antigens (designed in the laboratory) is being done; as well as the determination of the potenctial diagnosis of proteins from Trypanosoma cruzi crude extracts using Western Blot and Dot- ELISA Techniques.


"Evaluation of recombinant peptides with immunological specificity for American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis"

Finantial aid: World Health Organization

Ammount: US $ 20,000

Abstract: Obtainment of new recombinant antigens from clinical leishmaniasis isolates of Peru for the diagnosis of the illness. Also, molecular analysis of the genes codifying the selected gene.

Finantial aid:

European Community: England, Spain. OMS/OPS.

"Oswaldo Cruz" Fundation - Brazil.

"Fatalan Chaban" Institute - Argentina.

"Alexander von Humbolt" Tropical Medicine Institute (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia).



-Carrillo, C., Nolasco, O., Cabezas, C., Douglas,S. García, M., Yábar, C. & Montoya, Y. 1998. Dengue in Perú: Molecular Characterization and DNA sequencing from Dengue 1 and 2. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

-Nolasco, O., Carrillo, C., Gutierréz, V., Yábar, C. Douglas,S. & Montoya, and. 1997. Early diagnosis in an epidemic outbreak of dengue in Piura using RT-PCR and Nested PCR. INS Experimental Medicine Magazine.

-Montoya, Y., Padilla, C., Nolasco, O., León, C., Talledo M., Choque, J., Cáceres, O., Barrteo, T., De los Santos, M., Campos, and., Douglas, S., Yábar, C., & Barker, D. 1997. Molecular diagnostic for Leishmaniasis. INS Experimental Medicine Magazine

-Montoya, Y., Leób, C., Talledo, M., Nolasco, O., Padilla, C., Muñoz Nájar, U. & Bárker,D. 1997 Recombinant antigens for specific and sensitive serodiagnosis of latinamerican tegumentary leishmaniasis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

-Cáceres, O., Barker, D., & Montoya, Y. 1997 Histones H2B primers for specific leishmanisis diagnosis. EUROLEISH VI: Epidemiology of Leishmaniasis.

-Anaya, E., Montoya, Y., & Carrillo, C. 1997 Inmunodominat proteins of Brucella melitensis evaluated by Western Blot. INS Experimental Medicine Magazine.

-Montoya, Y.; C. Cañavate, C. Leon, J. Arevalo, J. Baker, D. LLanos-Cuentas and J. Alvar. (1994). Recombinant clones expressing peptides with immunological specificity for American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis and Visceral Leishmaniasis. Euroleish V Workshop. Liverpool, Inglaterra.
Abstract: A genomic library has been constructed for the identification of recombinant clones which are able to express peptides with a great immunological specificity for Leishmaniasis diagnosis. The clones obtained are tested in the presence of the patient´s serum, with the aim to select antigens to be used for the development of ELISA tests for the diagnose of the illness.
-Lopez, M., Montoya, Y., M. Arana, F. Cruzalegui, J. Braga, A. Llanos-Cuentas, G. Romero, and J. Arevalo. (1988). The use of non-radioactive DNA probes for the characterisation of Leishmania isolates from Peru. American Journal of Tropical Medicine Hygiene. 38(2):308-314.

Abstract: The conditions for DNA dot blot hybridization are described, using biotinylated kDNA Leishmania probes. The sensitivity and specificity achieved with biotinylated or radioactive phosphorus marked probes are the same. The minimum level of detection obtained was of
100 parasites adhered to the nitrocellulose paper (dot blot) and treated with proteinase K. Test were carried on 112 isolates of Leishmania from patients suffering from "uta" and "espundia", and it as determined that all of them belonged to the Leishmania braziliensis complex.


Area: Aprox. 100 m2 (4 srooms)

Equipment: laminar flow chamber, autoclave, distillation equipment, freeze drier, freezer -80C, microscopes, centrifuge, DNA and protein electrophoresis, speed vac, western blotter, sequenciator, transiluminator.

Techniques: DNA Extraction/purification, protein purification, cell transformation, DNA probes (RFLP/PCR), western blot, recombinant proteins and synthetic peptides expression, genomic libraries.


To contact any of them: ymontoya@ins.sld.pe

Ysabel Montoya

Oscar Nolasco Cárdenas

Gisely Híjar Guerra

Susan Douglas González

Carlos Padillo Rojas

Omar Cáceres Rey

Carlos Yábar Varas

Ivan Campos Baquerizo

Teresa Barreto

Maxi de los Santos



Genetic Resources and Biotechnology National Programme (PRONARGEB).

Address: Av. La Universidad s/n. La Molina. Lima 12. Casilla 2791 Lima 1

Telephone: (1)-3495616 3495949

Fax: (1)-3495964

Eng. Llermé Ríos Lobo

email: inia@chavin.rcp.net.pe

Web page: www.inia.gob.pe


LGenetic Resouces Characterization Reference NationalLaboratory .

Blga. Isabel Túpac-Yupanqui

email: postmaster@fenix.inia.gob.pe


Research Line:

Blood proteins characterization in native species from the PRONARGEB germoplasm bank.

Biologic material worked with:
Eucariotic DNA of
Yacón (Polymnia sonchifolia)
Quinua (Chenopodium quinoa)
Lúcuma (Lucma obovata)
Alpacas (Llama pacos)
Horses (Equs caballus)
Yuca (Manihot esculenta)
Pijuayo (Bactris gasipaes)
Chirimoya (Annona cherimolia)
Llamas (Llama glama)



"Genetic markers identification in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)".

Goal: To standarize electrophoretic methodologies to identify genetic markers in blood proteins through the finding of polymorphism in estereases and albumina.



INIA Institutional Magazine, Congresses.



Area: 190 m2 (5 rooms)

Equipment: Essential for protein electrophoresis in poliacrilamide and starch gels.

Techniques: Electrophoresis in poliacrilamide and starch gels. Protein, enzymes and DNA purification and/or separation. PCR - Polimerase chain reaction.

Staff: 3 professors, 1 technician

Blga. Isabel Túpac-Yupanqui Sagástegui

Blga. María Rivera Chumbiray

Blgo. Jaime Mori Castro


Laboratory de Conservación in vitro de Recursos Fitogenéticos

Blgo. Jorge Alcántara Delgado

email: postmster@fenix.inia.gob.pe


Research Line:

Tissue culture in andean tubers and roots and medicinal plants.

Biological material worked with:
Oca (Oxalis tuberosa)
Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum)
Yuca (Manihot esculenta)
Cinchona (Cinchona sp.)
Tumbo (Passiflora mollisima, P.ligularis, P. pinnatistipula)
Strawberry (Fragaria x annanasa)
Olluco (Ullucus tuberosus)
Yacón (Polyminia sanchifolia)
Uña de gato "Cats´claw"(Uncaria tomentosa, U. guianensis)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Pineapple (Annanas comossus)

"In vitro multiplication of andean tuberous germoplasm".

Finantial aid: COTESU

Ammount: U.S. $ 1500

Goal: In vitro multiplication of oca, olluco and mashua, from the germoplasm banks from the experimental stations in the peruvian mountains.


"In Vitro Multiplication of andean roots germoplasm".

Finantial aid: COTESU

Ammount: U.S. $ 1500

Goal: In vitro multiplication of yacón, chago and arracacha, from the germoplasm banks from the INIA experimental stations.


"In vitro introduction of Cat´s claw germoplasm"

Finantial aid: REFORSA

Ammount: U.S. $ 2750

Goal: In vitro introduction of cat´s claw germoplasm and its conservation in a germoplasm bank.



INIA Scientific Magazine Alvarado, M. 1995. The efects of different fitohormonal treatments in the in vitro regeneration of Chago, Miso or Mauka. Revista Científica Agraria, Vol. 1, No. 1. INIA.



Area: 90 m2

Equipment: essential for tissue culture.

Techniques: in vitro plant tissue culture

Staff: 1 professional, 2 technicians


Orthodox Seeds Conservation Laboratory

Blga. Fredesvinda Carrillo Castillo

email: postmster@fenix.inia.gob.pe


Research Line:

Conservation of leguminous, andean grains, cucurbitaceous, passifloras, solanaceous seeds.

Biological material worked with:
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Peas (Pisum sativum)
Vainita (Phaseolus sp)
Garavance (Cicer aireatum)
Pallar (Phaseolus lunatus)
Caupí (Vigna unguiculata)
Lima bean (Vicia faba)
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Soy (Glicine max)
Andean Grains:
Quinua (Chenopodium quinoa)
Kañihua (Ch. pallidicaule)
Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis)
Zapallo (Cucurbita maxima)
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
Caigua (Cyclanthera pedata)
Tumbo (Passiflora mollisima)
Tin-tin (P. pinnatistipula)
Granadilla (P. ligularis)
Pepper (Capsicum annum)
Rocoto (Capsicum sp.)



Area: 151 m2

Equipment: essential for seed conservation.

Techniques: drying of orthodox seeds.

Staff: 2 professionals, 1 technician

Blga: Fredesvinda Carrillo Castillo

Blga. Judith García Cochagne




Address: Av. La Universidad s/n. La Molina. Apartado 456. Lima

Telephone: +51(1)-3495647

Telefax: +51(1)-3495670

Web page: http://www.lamolina.edu.pe



Biology Department.

Micology and Biotechnology.

Telephone: +51(1) 3495647 Ext 863

Biolog. Marcel Gutiérrez-Correa

E-mail: mgclmb@lamolina.edu.pe

Página web: http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/simbiosis/labagra.htm


Research plan:


A. Products

1. Protein and Enzymes

2. Secondary Metabolites


B. Processes

1. Solid substrate fermentation

2. Bioreactors

3. Cell Immobilization and biofilm processes

4. Continous processes


C. Techniques

1. Mutagenesis

2. Protoplast fusion

3. DNA Transformation and Molecular Techniques

4. Substance identification and purification






"Pilot scale production of hydrolized fish residues by Solid Substrate fertilization with filamentous fungi"

Finantial aid: REPEMAR, GTZ

Period: 1998-1999


"Hydrolitic Thermophile and Alcalophil from hotsprings of Peru "

Finantial aid: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, Colorado, USA

Period: 1997

Goal: Isolate and study to a molecular and processes level thermophile and alcalophile microorganisms from extreme peruvian environments.

Additional Aid: Dr. R. Nieves (NREL)


"Production and Industrial application of hydrolitic enzymes (glucanases, pectinases, xylanases)"

Finantial aid: OEA

Ammount: US $100,500

Period: 1995-1997

Goals: To generate technology for the production of hydrolitic enzymes with industrial use purposes (glucanases, pectinases and xylanases) using fungi . To develop a national research infrastructure in the industrial biotechnology area.


"Pectinase production from solid substrate fermentation using yuca peels and Aspergillus niger ATCC 10864".

"richoderma reesei LM-UC4 and Aspergillus niger ATCC 10864 immobilization in synthetic fibers cloths.".

"Solid substrate fermentation with filamentous fungi to obtain hydrolized sardine (Sardinops sagax)".



"optimization of filamenous fungi genomic DNA extraction and its use in polimerase chain reaction technique"

"Interespecific gene transfer using protoplast fusion".

"Bioconversion of lignocellulose to animal feed by solid substrate fermentation and ensiling"

Finantial aid: National Science Foundation

Ammount: US $20,000

Period: 1990-1993


"Bioconversion of agricultural residues to animal feed".

Finantial aid: Corporación Andina de Fomento.

Ammount: US $25,000

Period: 1988-1990.


"Enzymatic degradation of agroindustrial residues"

Finantial aid: UNDP/UNESCO/UNIDO

Ammount: US $85,000

Period: 1987-1992


"Development of a cellulolytic fungi germoplasm bank and their genetic improvement with biotechnological purposes"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Ammount: US $5,000

Period: 1986-1987.


"Megass hydrolisis for ethanol production".

Finantial aid: Sociedad Paramonga Ltda./ITINTEC

Ammount: US $20,000

Period: 1983-1984.

Additional Aid:

Colorado State University scientific cooperation agreement. 1987.

Shionogi & Co. Ltd. Japón scientific cooperation agreement. 1992



-Gutiérrez-Correa, M. and R.P. Tengerdy. 1999. Cellulolytic enzyme production by fungal mixed solid substrate fermentation. Agro-food-Industry Hi-Tech January/February (in press).

-Gutiérrez-Correa, M., L. Portal, P. Moreno and R.P. Tengerdy. 1998. Mixed culture solid substrate fermentation of Trichoderma reesei with Aspergillus niger on sugar cane bagasse. Bioresource Technology 68(2):173-178 (Diciembre 1998).

-Gutiérrez-Correa, M. and R.P. Tengerdy.1998. Xylanase production by fungal mixed culture solid substrate fermentation on sugar cane bagasse. Biotechnology Letters 20:45-47.

-Villena,G., P. Moreno and M. Gutiérrez-Correa. 1998. Trichoderma reesei LM-UC4 immobilization in synthetic cloths. Biota

-Gutiérrez-Correa, M., G. Villena and P. Moreno. 1998. Cellulase production by fungal biofilms on polyester cloth. Letters in Applied Microbiology.

-Gutiérrez-Correa, M. and R.P. Tengerdy.1997. Production of cellulase on sugar cane bagasse by fungal mixed culture solid substrate fermentation. Biotechnology Letters 19:665-667.

-Ramos, R., P. Moreno and Gutiérrez-Correa, M. 1997. Determinación de patrones electroforéticos de celulasas producidas en fermentación sumergida por Trichoderma reesei LM-UC4. Biota (aceptado).

-Moreno,P., D. Woolcott and M. Gutiérrez-Correa. 1997. Pectinase production by Aspergillus niger in solid substrate fermentation. Biota.

-Meza, V., P. Moreno, R.P. Tengerdy and M. Gutiérrez- Correa. 1995. Transfer of benomyl resistance marker by heat-inactivated Trichoderma reesei protoplasts. Biotechnol. Lett. 17(8):827-832.


-Dueñas, R., R.P. Tengerdy and M. Gutiérrez-Correa. 1995. Cellulase production by mixed fungi in solid substrate fermentation of bagasse. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 11(3):333-337.

-Castillo, M.R., M. Gutierrez-Correa, J. Linden and R.P. Tengerdy. 1994. Mixed culture solid substrate fermentation for cellulolytic enzyme production. Biotechnol. Lett. 16(9):967-972.

-Flores, J., M. Gutiérrez-Correa and R.P. Tengerdy. 1994. Citric acid production by solid substrate fermentation of prickly pear peel with Aspergillus niger. Agro- food-Industry Hi-Tech, Jan/Feb, pp. 18-20.

-Muñiz, G., M. Gutiérrez-Correa and R.P. Tengerdy. 1993. Solid substrate fermentation of potato cellulosic residues with Chaetomium cellulolyticum. Agro-food- Industry Hi-Tech, Jan/Feb, pp. 33-34.

-Gutiérrez-Correa, M. and P. Moreno. 1992. Agriculture in Perú. Agro-food-Industry Hi-Tech, Sept/Oct, pp. 35-37.



Area: 200 m2 (6 rooms)


Sample and preparation room: analytical balance, microwave oven, distillation equipment.

Microscopy room: inverted chamber microscope, lucid chamber microscope, fluorescence microscope, estereoscope, computer unit, incubator.

Contention room: laminar flow chamber, thermal cycler, dual water bath.

Sterilization room: kitchenettes, refrigerator, incubator, autoclave, drying oven.

Biochemical analysis room: UV/VIS HP spectrophotometer, pHmeter, vetical and horizontal electrophoresis equipment, scanning and gel evaluation equipment, digital water bath, ultrafiltration chamber, centrifuge, microcentrifuge, blotter, electroelution equipment.

Fermentation room: 2 stirred tank bioreactors (3 and 15 L) with pH and temperature controls; air lift bioreactor (1.8 L); solid state bioreactor(50 L) with control unit , 2 computer units, orbital shaker water bath.


Techniques: DNA extraction, protein extraction and purification, isoenzimes, mutagenesis, protoplast obtention and fusion, cell transformation, PCR, bioreactors, submerged and solid state fermentations, continous processes, processes control.


Staff: 4 professors, 1 technician.

Professor Marcel Gutiérrez-Correa mgclmb@lamolina.edu.pe

Professor Patricia Moreno Díaz pmdlmb@lamolina.edu.pe

Professor Roberto Ramos Chaupín rramosch@lamolina.edu.pe

Professor Gretty Villena Chávez gkvch@lamolina.edu.pe



Marino Tabusso Microbiology Laboratory

Telephone: (51-1) 3495647 ext 274

Fax (51-1) 3496015

Dr. Doris Zúñiga Dávila

E-mail: dzuniga@lamolina.edu.pe

Página web: http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/lmt


Research Lines

Population biodiversity of Rhyzobium which nodulate in various grain, fodder and wild leguminous crops.

Biological nitrogen fixation in non leguminous plants in association with free living diazotrofos.

Parameter optimization for the production of innoculants for leguminous plants.

Microbial interactions in the ryzosphere

Influence of non biotic factors on the microbial populations of the ryzosphere.


Research Projects

"Biodiversity characterization of Brady strains (rhyzobium) which nodulate "judía" and "pallar" crops in Perú."

Finantial aid: Spanish International Cooperation Agency (in evaluation)

Responsible: Carolina Souza and Doris Zúñiga.

Period: 1999-2001


"Nitrogen fixation potential in Vicia faba cultures in association with maize"

Finantial aid: Maize Programme (UNALM) and FDA (Biology sub account).

Responsible: Eng Ricardo Sevilla and Dr. Doris Zúñiga.

Period: 1999-2000


"Microbial interactions in leguminous ryzospheres"

Finantial aid: FDA (Biology sub account)

Responsible: Dr. Doris Zúñiga

Period: 1998-2000


"Cultivated pastures handling for milk production in the highlands of Peru"

Finantial aid: ILRI-CIP/FAO-OIEA/SAIS Tupac Amaru/UNALM

Responsible: Carlos Gómez

Period: 1998-2000


"Biodiversity of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium which nodulate in Phaseolus vulgaris and P. Lunatus in Peru"

Finantial aid: FDA (Biology sub account)

Responsible: Dr. Doris Zúñiga

Period: 1998-2000


"Sustainable handling of cultivated pastures for milk production in the highlands of Peru"

Finantial aid: ILRI-CIP/CONDESAN

Responsible: Carlos Gómez

Period: 1998-2000


"Contribution of different strains of Rhizobium in the biological fixation of nitrogen of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. Lunatus."

Finantial aid: Fundación Perú

Responsible: Dr. Doris Zúñiga

Period: 1997-1998


"Nitrogen fixation and yield of grain legume in saline mediterranean zones (FYSAME)"

Finantial aid: European Economical Community INCO-950717.

Responsible: Carmen Lluch Pla.

Period: 1995


"Effect of the saline stress in the biological nitrogen fixation: adaptation mechanisms in the nodule"

Finantial aid: PB95-1159 de la DGICYT.

Responsible: Carmen Lluch Pla.

Period: 1997-1998.


"Improvement of grain leguminous plants in saline conditions: physiological, biochemical and molecular studies in symbiotic associations with Phaseolus vulgaris and Cicer arietenum salinity tolerants."

Finantial aid: Granada University (Spain).

Period: 1993-1996.


"Study of the leafless pea (Pisum sativum) as a rotation crop in the upper basin of the Rimac river."

Finantial aid:International Development Agency (AID) and Agricultural Technolgy Transformation Project (TTA).

Period: 1992 -1993.


"Isolation of native strains of Rhizobium in different varieties of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and its effect in leguminous plants productivity."

Period:1990 - 1992.

Finantial aid:International Development Agency (AID) and Agricultural Technology Transformation Project (TTA)


"Isolation, purification and authentication of native strains of Rhizobium from different leguminous plants from the Central Coast of Peru"

Period:1989 - 1991.

Responsible:Doris Zúñiga.

Finantial aid:CONCYTEC.



- Ormeño, E. and D. Zúñiga. 2000. Optimization of sterilization time in soil and compost based sustratum for the production of leguminous innoculants. Rev. Peru. Biol. In evaluation.

Abstract: Three sustratum were made using a mixture of soil and compost, and sterilizing them with three different fractionated treatments in the autoclave along two consecutive days. The efficiency of the sterilization treatments was evaluated monitoring the disminution in the bacterial and fungal populations with standard plate count. Sterilization of all sustratum was achieved with a 45 minute treatment during the first day and a 30 minute treatment during the second day.

- Ormeño, E. and D. Zúñiga. 1999. Survivance and symbiotic characeristics of Bradyrhizobium sp. innoculated in a mixture of soil and compost. Biota. 17(99): 41-49.

Abstract: The survivance and symbiotic characteristics of Bradyrhizobium sp. PLL113 strain (Phaseolus lunatus L.) innoculated in a mixture of soil and compost was studied. The population decreased significantly (P < 0,001) during storage at 4ºC for 60 days. The mixture mantained a population greater than 108 UFC/g only during the first month. The counting method using MPN showed that the strain mantained its infective capacity during storage. The dry weight of the aereal part of the innoculated plants was significantly greater (P < 0,05) than the plants innoculated with the stored mixture. This difference could had been due to the smaller population in the stored mixture and not because of a loss of symbiotic effectiveness of the strain.

- Ormeño, E. and D. Zúñiga. 1998. Modification of YEM Broth for Medium Scale Production of Legume Inoculants. Rev. Peru. Biol. 5(2): 83-89.

Abstract: Yeast-extract-mannitol (YEM) broth, a widely used laboratory medium for the cultivation of rhizobia, was modified to reduce its cost and made it suitable for medium scale production of rhizobial legume inoculants. Yeast extract and mannitol, the most expensive ingredients, were reduced or substituted with more cheap substrates. With the addition of 1,1 g/L of glutamic acid or food grade sodium glutamate, yeast extract can be reduced to 0,05 g/L without affecting growth. Mannitol can be replaced with 12,5 g/L of pharmaceutical grade glycerin for Bradyrhizobium strains or with 10 g/L of food grade sugar for Rhizobium strains. The symbiotic properties of rhizobia grown on modified media were not affected.

- Matos, G., E. Ormeño and D. Zuñiga. 1998. Diversity of Rhizobium which nodulate in Phaseolus lunatus "pallar" crops in the central coast of Peru. Ecolog;ia. 1(1): 42-46.

Abstract: The diversity of thirty six rhizobium strains isolated from Phaseolus lunatus in the central coast of Peru was studied, grouping them along with their morphological and physiological characteristics.The growth velocity, acid or alkaline production, Zn+2 y Co+2 metallic ions resistance and 2% sodium chloride tolerance results show that 25% of the isolates showed characteristics from the Bradyrhizobium gender, and 75% from the Rhizobium gender. The appearance, sodium chloride tolerance and growth at different pH and temperature levels of the colonies was very diverse. Results suggest that the two taxonomic groups (Rhizobium y Bradyrhizobium) nodulate in Phaseolus lunatus in the central coast of Peru.

- Vargas, M. and D. Zúñiga. 1998. Isolation of Rhizobium sp. bacteriophage which affects symbiosis in Phaseolus lunatus L. "Pallar". EcologÌa. 1(1): 47-50.

-Ocaña, A., D. Zúñiga, F. Ligero and C. Lluch. 1996. Carbon metabolism and nitrogen fixation in root nodules of different genotypes of Vicia faba. Suppl. Plant Physiol. 111(2):90.


- Pliego L, M.D. Cruz, D. Zúñiga, A. Ocaña and C. Lluch. 1998. Nitrate assimilation in bean nodules. In:Avances en el Metabolismo del Nitrógeno: de la Fisiología a la Biología Molecular. J.Ma. Vega, P.J. Aparicio, F. Castillo, J.Ma. Maldonado (Eds.). Serie Ciencias, No 50:227-234. Univ. Sevilla. Sevilla.

- Zuñiga, D., L. Pliego, M.D. Mingorance, A. Oca;a y C. Lluch. 1997. Salinity effect in the nutrient content in four varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris in symbiosis with Rhizobium. pp. 26-33. In: Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas en la Agricultura Sostenible. R. Sarmiento, E. Leidi, A. Troncoso (Eds). DGIFA. IRNA Sevilla.- CSIC. Sevilla.

- Zúñiga, D., A. Ocaña, J. SanJuan and C. Lluch. 1997. Comparative study of Rhizobium isogenic strains in symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris under saline stress. p. 514. In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century. C. Elmerich, A. Kondorosi, W.E. Newton (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands.

- Zúñiga, D., L. Pliego, J. Sanjuan and C. Lluch. 1996. Obtention of mutant strains of salt tolerant Rhizobium and its effect in symbiosis with Phaseolus vulgaris. pp. 279-281. In: Avances en la Investigación sobre Fijación Biológica de Nitrógeno. A. Chordi, E. Martínez (Eds.). Excma. Diput. Prov. de Salamanca. Salamanca.

- Khadri, M., M. Soussi, D. Zúñiga and A. Ocaña. 1996. Evolution of nitrogen fixation and the ureid metabolism in P. vulgaris. plants. pp. 133-135. In: Avances en la Investigación sobre Fijación Biológica de Nitrógeno. A. Chordi, E. Martínez (Eds.). Excma. Diput. Prov. de Salamanca. Salamanca.

- Zúñiga, D., L. Pliego, M. Khadri and A. Ocaña. 1996. Responses of some ecotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to salt. In: Suppl. Plant Physiol. Biochem. Special issue. C. Binnendyk. Ed. 016-CPPAP 59249-31840-93. France. pp 251

Staff:3 professors 3 assistants


Dr. Doris Zúñiga Dávila dzuniga@lamolina.edu.pe

Blgo. Gisella Matos Cuzcano gmc@lamolina.edu.pe

Blgo. Víctor Meza Contreras


Ernesto Ormeño Orrillo

Flavio Ccoriñaupa Huapaya

Doris Pahuara Hernández



Genetic Resources and Plant Biotechnology Research Center CIRGEBV

Telephone: +51(1) 349 5647 Ext 272

Fax: +51(1) 349 6015

Email: cirgebv@lamolina.edu.pe

Director: Dr. Antonietta Gutiérrez Rosati

E-mail: antonietta@lamolina.edu.pe

Web page: http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/cirgebv


Research Lines:

Genetic characterization of crops

Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia H. B. K. Mc Vaugh)

Aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L.)

Cat´s claw (Uncaria guianensis, Uncaria tomentosa)

Genetic Transformation

Papayo (Carica papaya L.)

Sweet potatoe (Ipomoea batatas L.)

Somatic embryogenesis

Cedar (Cedrela odorata)

Mahogany (Swictenia macrophylla)


Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia H. B. K. Mc Vaugh)

Cat´s claw (Uncaria guÌanensis, Uncaria tomentosa)

Cedar (Cedrela odorata)

Mahogany (SwÌctenia macrophylla)

Citogenetic studies

Determination of the cromosome number in Camu Camu

Embryogenic development in Camu Camu

Mutation induction

Sweet potatoe (Ipomoea batatas L.)

Clonal propagation




Maintainance of germoplasm banks


Sweet potatoe


Social projection



Training of students


-Gutiérrez - Rosati, A. , and. Rivera, R. Salinas. 1992. Determination of the cellular proliferation cycle in Sweet potatoe (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam.). Agronomía. 2 : 34 - 57.

-Salinas, M. R., A. Gutiérrez - Rosati, G. R. Alvarez and J. H. Dodds. 1992. Plant regeneration from somatic embryos in sweet potatoe (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam.). ACEVIV. Boletín Científico 3 : 14 - 27. Colombia.


The laboratories which are part of the center are:

Citogenetic and Microtechnics Laboratory

Microscopy and Microphotography Laboratory.

In vitro plant tissue culture Laboratory

Culture media preparation unit

Transfer Unit

In vitro germoplasm bank and conservation unit

Climatization unit

Molecular genetics and electrophoresis Laboratory

Teaching, training and social projection Laboratory

Experimental crops field



Dr. Antonietta Gutiérrez Rosati antonietta@lamolina.edu.pe


M.Sc. Manuel Rodríguez manuelrodsa@hotmail.com


Blga. Ma. del Rosario Castro cast@mail.cosapidata.com.pe

Bach. Patricia Tord Zapata ptord@terra.com.pe

Bach. Jean Mario Yépez Maraví jeanyep@hotmail.com



Plant Physiology Laboratory

Telephone: +51(1) 349 5647 Ext 274

Fax: +51(1) 349 6015

Director: M.Sc. Abelardo Calderón R.


Research Lines:

In vitro culture of medicinal plants

Halophilous algae biotechnology


Rhizogenesis studies



-In vitro introduction and micropropagation of native peruvian valerians

-Genetic transformation of Uncaria tomentosa (Wild.) DC. via Agrobacterium rhizogenes.

-Isolation and selection of copper-and-zinc-resistant clorophyte microalgae

-Biochemical characterization of carotenoid content in four strains ofDunaliella salina.

-Rhysogenesis Studies



-Zolla G., Calderón A. & Castillo. 1997. The effect of light quality and naftalen acetic acid concentration in the in vitro rhyzogenesis ofGuzmania lingulata (L.) Mez. var. lingulata. Anales Científicos. In press



M.Sc. Abelardo Calderón R.

M.Sc. Gastón Zolla B. gemzb@hotmail.com

Blgo. Alejandro Cóndor R.

Blgo. Felipe Serpa I.


Future interest in:

In vitro introduction and micropropagation of peruvian native medicinal plants

Factors affecting the production of oxindol alcaloids in Uncaria tomentosa.

Determination of the mechanisms of bioaccumulation in copper-and-zinc tolerant chlorophyte microalgae

Halophilous microalgae biotechnology



Entomology-Phytopathology Department

Serology Laboratory

Eng. Jaime Castillo

Email: jcastillo@lamolina.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Sugar cane pathogens

Antiserum production for the detection of maize pathogens.



"Antiserum production forSpyroplasma kunkelii which causes the maize shrubbing"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC and own resources

Ammount: S/. 2000 $ US 3000

Goal: To diagnose the illness, which causes great losses in maize crops


"Maize illnesses caused by virus enquire in Junin"

Joint work with Universidad Nacional del Centro

Finantial aid: own resources


"Maize virus studies"

Agreement with the Canadian Agriculture Institute (IAC) and the Canadian agency for international development (ACDI).

Finantial aid: IAC/ACDI

Ammount: US $ 1 million

Goal: To obtain monoclonal antibodies for the diagnosis of viral ilnesses in maize.


"Detection of serotypes of the mosaic and dwarfing maize virus"

Finantial aid: own resources.

Ammount: US $ 4100

Goal: to establish the number of virus serotypes which attack maize. The number of guest weeds which are useful for the virus transmission depend on the serotype.


"Identification, in vitro culture and pathogenecity tests of Clavibacter xyli which causes the sugar cane raquitism"

Ammount: US $ 10000

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC and own resources

Goal: To isolate the bacteria responsible for the sugar cane leaf´s raquitism, and to produce antiserum for the diagnosis of the illness in situ (the bacteria produces no symptoms in the plant, causing great losses).



Castillo, J., R. Stace-Smith, A. Wieczoreck. (1991). Production of monoclonal antibodies against the maize chlorotic mottle virus. Fitopatología 26(1):1-5.
Abstract: The work done aimed for the production of monoclonal antibodies to tell between Peuvian and Kansas serotypes of the maize chlorotic mottle virus, so to be used for virus diagnosis and the epidemiology study.
-Maize germoplasm evaluation for virosic illness resistance.1993. Resumen de Investigaciones apoyadas por Fundeagro 1988-1992. Segunda Parte. pp. 99-100.

- Maize germoplasm selection to search for resistance against dwarfing caused by Spiroplasma kunkelii. 1993. Resmen de Investigaciones apoyadas por Fundeagro 1988 - 1992. Segunda parte. pp.101.103.

- A.I.M.A. (Autofluorescence induced metaxileme) application for the diagnosis of sugar cane raquitism.1994. Resmenes del XII del Congreso de la APF.

- Maize chlorotic mottle virus persistance in field stubble and seeds. 1996.

- Isolation, culture and pathogenicity tests of Spiroplasma kunkelii which causes maize Puca-punchu in Peru. 1996.


Area: 300 m2 (5 rooms, greenhouse)

Equipment: ELISA plates reader, carbonic gas incubator, laminar flow chamber, column chromatography

Techniques: protein purification, tissue culture, cell culture.

2 professors

Dr. Jaime Castillo jcastillo@lamolina.edu.pe

Prof. Liliana Aragón Lili@lamolina.edu.pe


Future interest in: Joining other laboratories from foreign universities to carry on work in maize´ virus resistance´using peruvian germoplasm.




Telephone +51-(1)-349-5647 ext 216

Director: Dr. Jaime E. Lazarte Miranda

Subdirector: M.Sc. Lourdes Tapia.



The biotechnology institute from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina has the aim to develop education, research, technology transfer, information services, and quality products of proved efficiency for the agricultural industry in Peru.


Plant Biotechnology Area

Responsible: Eng. M.Sc. Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa


Research Lines:

Tissue culture of forestry, medicinal, fruit, ornamental and tuberous species.

Tissue culture techniques with applications in plant genetic improvement.

Molecular Biotechnology, characerization using RAPD´s, AFLP



Cat´s claw microplantules production

Finantial aid: INDDA and agreements with Belgium Universities

Ammount: US $ 5800


Propagation of Opuntia and native cactaceous plants from Perú. This project is in its production fase.


In vitro micropropagation of "tornillo" wood.

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC


Fruit tree micropropagation (lemon tree, mango tree, papaya tree).

Finantial aid: own rewsources.


Anthurium micropropagation using somatic embryogenesis.

Finantial aid: own resources.


Molecular characterization of native species: Yacón, Kañigua, sangre de grado, cat´s claw and mauca

Finantial aid: European Economic Community through agreements with Belgium Universities



-Tapia and Figueroa, María Lourdes; Gómez Pando, Luz; Romero Loli, Marino. Adaptation of production methodologiesto produce double haploids through anther culture (Triricum aestivum ssp aestivum) Anales científicos UNALM.
Abstract: The proper age of the plant, desinfection, the effect of light and temperature and the use of different culture media for callus induction and plant regeneration were studied.
-Tapia and Figueroa, María Lourdes; Domínguez Torrejón, Gilberto. In vitro callus genesis and rhyzogenesis induction in two species of Uncaria.
Abstract: Leafs from Uncaria tomentosa (Willd) D.C. and Uncaria guianensis Aubl. plantules which developed "in vitro" were asceptically introduced in Murashigue & Skoog culture media. Different hormonal concentrations and treatments to induce callus and root formation wer used.


Bioindustry Area

Ph.D. David Campos Gutiérrez

email: dcampos@lamolina.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Enzimatic biotechnology applied to the food industry

Production of enzymes with great industrial importance

Production of starters for the food industry

Protein purification, isoenzymes, bioreactors and enzyme immobilization

Future interests

Treatment og agroindustrial effluents

Biomolecules treatment, modification and purification



"The use of enzymes for the extraction of anthocyanins from purple maize residues (Zea mays)

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Goal: To evaluate the influence of cellulases and hemicellulases in the extraction of anthocyanins from purple maize.


"The study of four methods to obtain glucose from sweet potatoe (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) starch ".

Goal: to determine the influence in the characteristics of glucose obtained from sweet potatoe starch of four methods of hydrolisis: enzymatic (one stage), enzymatic (two stages), acid and acid-enzymatic (combined).


"The use of enzymes in the extraction of Bixin from achiote (Bixa orellana) seeds"

Goal: To determine the influence of different enzymatic commercial preparations (pectinases, cellulases, proteases) on the extraction of bixin from achiote seeds. To compare three methods of bixin extraction, with water, carbonate and enzymes.


"The study of the pre-purification process of papain obtained from papaya (Carica papaya L)"

Goal: To determine the parameters for the pre-purification of papain from fresh papaya latex.


"Obtention of powdered clot from goat (Capra sp.) abomasum"

Goal: Evaluate the influence of three methods of drying in the enzymatic activity of the clot obtained from goat.


"The study of enzymatic hydrolisis of quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) meal"


Goal: To study the influence of different commercial enzymatic preparations (pectinases, cellulases, amilases and proteases) on the making of a caloric beverage of high digestibility.


"Difussional limitations of the invertase kinetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells immobilized in sodium alginate"

Goal: To study the effect of cell wall permeabilization on the kinetics of sacarose hydrolisis with yeast endoinvertase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) immobilizedin alginate pearls.


"Study of enzyme influence in obtaining malt syrup from barley (Hordeum vulgare)"

Goal: To optimize the malt syrup process with the addition of commercial enzymes and to determine the physicochemical characteristics of the syrup.


"Proposed method for the production of coconut cream (Cocus nucifera L.)"

Goal: To develop a method to produce coconut cream. To determine the cultural characteristic of Acetobacter xylinum to obtain an optimal innoculum for the production of coconut cream.


"Study of prebiotic fermentation with probiotic microorganisms (B. bifidum, B. infantis, L. acidophilus y L. plantarum)"

Goal: To evaluate the growth kinetics of probiotic microorganisms in the presence of fructooligosacharides (GF2 - GF4 ), as well as the kinetics of their use.


"Production and immobilization of penicilin acylase from Bacillus megaterium and its synthesis in organic media"

Goal: To produce penicilin acylase from Bacillus megaterium with batch cultures. To optimize the immobilization parameters of penicilin acylase in the matrix. To synthesise ampicillin using biocatalisis techniques in non aqueous media.


"Inulinase production (2,1-D-fructan fructano-hidrolase) from native strains isolated from yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia poepp. & Endl) and from Kluveromyces marxianus NRRL y -8281"

Goal: To evaluate the production of inulinase from isolated microorganisms purified from yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia)

To study the influence of different factors (nutrients, aereation level, pH and temperature) on the production of inulase from Kluveromyces marxianus NRRL y -8281.


"Study about enzymatic hydrolisis of (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón sp. nov) for obtaining a concentrated syrup."

Goal: To study yhe hydrolisis of the biopolimers present in maca, and to determine the extraction yields. To determine the fiscochemical characteristics of hydrolized syrup and maca concentrate.


"The effect of applying enzymatic complexes over the fermentation time in the making of soy-sauce."

Goal: To determine he enzymatic complex which allows obtaining a proper grade of hydolisis with the purpose of decreaing the fermentation time and obtaining a product with good acceptance.

To compare the physico chemical and sensorial characteristics between commercial soy sauce and the one obtained with enzymatic methods.


"Enzymatic modification of the functional properties of protein isolated from tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis)"

Goal: To evaluate the action of two microbial proteins over the functional properties of the isolated "Lupinus" protein and to establish the conditions and hydrolisis grade to optimize solubility, emulsifying capacity and the capacity to form foam.


"Enzymatic obtainment of natural dyes from palillo (Curcuma longa L.)"

Goal:To evaluate the influence of commercial enzymatic complexes on the concentration and prepurification of curcumina.


"Enzymatic obtainment of natural dyes from paprika (Capsicum anum)"

Goal: To evaluate the influence of commercial enzymatic complexes on the concentration and prepurification of paprika.


"Development of an enzymatic method for peeling sesame grains (Sesamun indicum L.)"

Goal: To optimize the parameters of enzymatic hydrolisis for the peeling of sesame grains.



Campos, D. et al (1990). "A multipotential hydrolytic reactor using the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus". Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 24:25, 511-519.
Abstract: 2000 g/L/d of D- fructose has been produced from an inuline solution in a reactor. The microorganism used was a Kluyveromyces marxianus mutant (strain KF 28), invertase and pectinase hiperproductor. The immobilized cells were used in reactors for the hydrolisis of sucrose and pectin. Most of the parameters optimized for the hydrolisis of inuline were able to be used for the other two cases; even though, some parameters had to be specially adapted, mainly for pectin hydrolisis.

Campos, D. et al (1991). "Modelling of uses of microorganisms in the degradation of natural polymers". Production and utilization of lignocellulosics. ed., G.C. Galletti. Elsevier Applied Science; 79-96.

Campos, D. et al (1992). "Different techniques for the purification of extracelular inulinase from a Kluyveromyces marxianum mutant". Biotecnología (in press).


Staff: 4 professors

Dr. David Campos (Director) dcampos@lamolina.edu.pe

Rosana Chirinos chiri@lamolina.edu.pe

Giuliana Noratto gnoratto@lamolina.edu.pe

Ana Aguilar aaguilar@lamolina.edu.pe


Biotechnology Institute Laboratory:

Area: 700 m2

Equipment: essential for tissue culture

Techniques: tissue culture, cell culture, mutagenesis, embryo rescue.


Director: Dr. Jaime E. Lazarte Miranda

Subdirector: Eng. M. Sc. Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa


Tissue Culture

Eng. M. Sc. Gilberto Domínguez, Leader

Biol. Pilar García, Helper

Mr. Romelio Grandes, Technician


Molecular Biology / Genetic Engineering:

Eng. M. Sc. Ral Blas, Leader.

M. Sc. César López


Industrial Biotechnology

Dr. David Campos

Eng. Rossana Chirinos

Eng. Juliana Noratto

Eng. Ana Aguilar


Animal Biotechnology

Eng. Gustavo Gutiérrez


Future Interest: in carrying on joint projects with other laboratories, specially from Mexico



Biochemistry and Nutrition Research Center (CIBN)

Address: Av. Grau Cuadra 7. Apartado 1546. Lima.

Telephone: (014)-274189

Telefax: (013)-283236


Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory

M.Sc. Mario Monteghirfo Gomero


Research Line:

Molecular characterization of plant proteins



"Characterization of the main proteins from potatoe, mashua and olluco tubers".

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Ammount: US $ 1500

Goal: To characterize, using unidimensiontal and bidimensional electrophoretic techniques, the soluble proteins of andean tubers.

Abstract: The unidimensional (SDS-PAGE) and bidimensional (2-D IEF/SDS- PAGE) patterns of different varieties of potatoe, mashua and olluco were determined. The molecular weight of the most abundant proteins in these tubers, and their acid o basic character were determined.


"Study of the seed proteins from two Andean Cereals: quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and Kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule)."

Finantial aid: International Foundation for Science (IFS).

Ammount: US $ 24,000

Goal: To characterize through different electrophoretic techniques, the proteins which are present in quinua and kañiwa seeds; to identify, purify and determine the composition of aminoacids from proteins with a high nutrition value, desireable for its posterior application through he use of Genetical Engineering Techniques in the nutritional improvement of other crops.


"Molecular studies of the proteins from Lupinus mutabilis seeds for their application in Biotechnology".


Ammount: US $2500

Goal: To characterize biochemically the proteins from Lupinus mutabilis (tarwi), to identify the presence of proteins with desireable nutritional characteristics.


"Biochemical characterization of the proteins from Tropaeolum tuberosum varieties from Peru and Bolivia"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/CIP

Ammount: US $2500

Goal: To conduct a biochemical study of the proteins extracted from varieties from Peru and Bolivia to obtain information about the protein quality and content of this andean crop.

Abstract: 60 varieties of mashua are being analyzed, and it has been found that three of them oustand for their high protein content.



Barreto, E. and M. Monteghirfo. 1995. "Studies performed with unidimensional electrophoresis on the proteins from Lupinus mutabilis seeds". Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú, Vol. LXI (junio), pags. 91-98.

Abstract: The total protein from Lupinus mutabilis seeds and the proteic fractions obtained from solubility in water, NaCl 0.5 N and sodium dodecil sulphate (SDS) 1%/2- mercaptoethanol (ME) 2% have been analyzed using SDS-PAGE, in non denaturating conditions, and with electrophoresis with cellulose acetate. In denaturating conditions, the polipetides distributed themselves in a molecular weight range of 5 to90 kilodaltons (kD), while in non denaturating conditions, they formed aggrgeates with molecular weights in the range of 150 to 350 kD. With cellulose acetate electrophoresis, the presence of gamma conglutin in the globulin fraction of L. mutabilis has been proved.


Barreto, E. and M. Monteghirfo. 1995. "high resolution bidimensional electroforesis of proteins from Lupinus mutabilis seeds". Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú, Vol. LXI (junio), pags. 99- 104.

Abstract: Proteins from the seeds of Lupinus mutabilis have been fractioned with solubility in water, NaCl 0.5 N and sodium dodecil sulphate (SDS)2%/2-mercaptoethanol (ME). The proteic components of each fraction have been analysed with bidimensional electrophoresis. Each of the fractions was found to have very different electrophoretic patterns. In every fraction, it was found that the acid proteins predominate, and that there is charge micro-heterogenity.


Monteghirfo, M. 1995. "The use of genetical engineering in the improvement of andean cropss". Revista Alma Mater 10:71-84, UNMSM, Lima.

Abstract: The description of how the biochemical study of the seed proteins is carried on, and the roll that biochemical characterization has in improving the nutritional quality of crops through genetical engineering.

Finantial aid:

International Potatoe Center (CIP).



Area: 50 m2

Equipment: Sorvall centrifuges, -20C and -80C freezers, freeze dryers, cold room, Speed Vac sample vacuum dryer, protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis equipment, HPLC.

Techniques: DNA extraction/purification, protein purification, isoenzymes.

Staff: 1.



CIBN Laboratory

M.Sc. Doris Huerta Canales




"The study of troponin T in acute miocardial arrest (IAM)".

Period: 2000

Responsible: Doris Huerta Canales


"The effect of vitamin E over the antioxidant system of Type 2 diabetics".

Period: 1999

Responsible: M. Sc. Raquel Oré Sifuentes

M. Sc. Doris Huerta Canales


"Free radicals and antioxidants in the evolution and treatment of cronic diseases: Dislipidemia".

Period: 1998

Responsible: Luzmila Troncozo Corzo

Emilio Guija Poma

Walter Ponciano Rivera

Doris Huerta Canales

Sergio Ronceros Medrano

Rubén Valdiviezo Izquierdo


"DNA damages caused by oxidative stress in sea urchin (Tetrapigus niger ) sperm"

Period: 1997 (first stage)

Responsible:Doris Huerta Canales


"The effect of environmental stress in storage proteins of Amaranthus caudatus".

Period: 1996

Responsible: Inés Arnao Salas

Doris Huerta Canales

Miguel Sandival Vegas



Salas, R.; D. Huerta and B. Lizarraga. 1995. "The interaction of H-1 Histone molecule from sea urchin Tetrapigus niger with phosphate nucleotide". Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú, Vol. LXI, No. 2, pags. 110-113.

Abstract: The interation between H-1 Histone with ATP was studied, with the purpose of underatnding the mechanism of theunion of the H-1 Histone molecule to the DNA and the posterior compactation of cromatin. The H-1 histone was purified from sea urchin sperm, and its interaction with ATP was followed with the study method for protein and ligand interaction by column chromatography.


Salas, R.; D. Huerta, and B. Lizarraga. 1995. "The effect of the ionic force in the interaction between sea urchin H- 1 histone and phosphate nucleotides". Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú, Vol. LXI, No. 2, pags. 114-118.

Abstract: The effect of salt concentration in the conformation of H1 histone and in the level of interaction with phosphate nucleotides is shown. It was observed that thr H1 histone can change its conformation regarding salt concentration in free state and in association with nucleotides; and that such dinamics which depends of the ionic force, would allow the condensation and decondensation of the upper levels of organization of the cromatin.




"Simón Perez Alva" Microbiology and Biotechnology Institute .

Dr. Gerardo Gamarra Ballena.

Address: Jr. Puno 1002. Lima 1. Lima.

Telephone: +51-(1)-328 4736, ext 21

Fax: +51-(01)-3284741


Research Line:

Production of metabolites of industrial importance

Research on eliminating odour from industrial meals



"Isolation and selection of native strains which produce enzymes: proteases, amilases and cellulases for their posterior use in the recovery of agricutural and food industry residues".

Finantial aid: UNMSM

Period: 1998


"Microbial pectinase production from agricultural residues".

Finantial aid: UNMSM

Period: 1996

Goal: Isolation of strains with high production of pectinolytic enzymes, and the using of high concentrations of agricultural waste products.


"Production and partial purification of pectinases with native strains isolated from soil and citric crops".

Finantial aid: UNMSM

Period: 1997

Goal: Standarization of fermentation culture media and the technique to determine enzymatic activity using citric pectinase standards.


"The using of yogurt during fermentation for the elimination of odours from fish meal".

Finantial aid: Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty UNMSM

Period: 1998

Goal: To prove if the symbiosis of two microorganisms is able to eliminate the odor out of fishmeal.


"The use of agricultural waste and by products for the production of microbial pectinases".

Finantial aid: FEDU-UNMSM


"Microbial lipases obtention and their application in indusry".

Finantial aid: FEDU-UNMSM


"The use of andean crops in the production of tempe with Rhizopus oligosporus".

"The study of the production of kefir starters in batch culture and their conservation".

"Antibiotic production with marine sediment actinomycetes"

"Bactericidal action of the flavonoid extract of Erithroxilum novogranatense opposed to the mouth microflora".



"Theorema" Magazine-UNMSM.



Area: 160 m2 (5 rooms)

Equipment: Spectrophotometer, analytical balance, autoclaves, complete mixture reactor

Techniques: monoclonal antibodies, DNA extraction/purification, protein purification, submerged/solid fermentation, continous processes.

Staff: 7 professors, 1 technician.

Dr. Gerardo gamarra Balleno

Dr. Dolores Bazalar de Valdivia

Dr. José Irey

MSc. Jesús Rumichi

Q.F. Osvaldo Herrera

Q.F. Enma Acosta

Q.F. Mirtha Roque



Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Venezuela s/n. Apartado 2669. Lima 100

Telephone: (01)-4524135

Fax: (01)-4649110


Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Laboratory


Responsible: Dr: Rolando Estrada

Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Venezuela s/n. Apartado 11-0058. Lima 11

Telefax: +51-(1)-4649110 / 4524135 ext 15


Research Lines

In vitro germoplasm bank (andean roots and tubers).

Characterizaton and evaluation of genetic diversity in andean roots and tubers.



"Biotechnology assisted crops for the reduction of pesticide use in potatoe crops. Development of somaclonal crops and chimeras"

Finantial Aid: PNUD-CIP

Period: 1993-1995


"Root and andean tubers biodiversity"

Finantial Aid: Swiss development corporation

Period: 1993-1998


"Andean roots and tubers: carrying on the promise of the forgotten foods. Phase I"

Finantial Aid: McKnight Fundation



"Andean roots and tubers: carrying on the promise of the forgotten foods. Phase II"

Finantial Aid: PNUD-CIP

Period: 1998-2001


"Colaboration programme for the conservation and use of Andean roots and tuber biodiversity" Phase II. National RTAs Bank"

Finantial Aid: COSUDE-CIP

Period: 1998-2001



Area: aprox. 200 m2 : two 25C culture rooms. Another general purpose room for tissue culture, molecular biology, biochemistry, nutrition.

Equipment: Thermal cycler, computarized densitometers, uv spectrophotometer, refrigerated centrifuges.

Staff: 4 professors.

Dr. Rolando Estrada

Hilda Yolanda Morante

Vidalina Heredia Jiménez

Héctor Sánchez Sotomayor d190076@unmsm.edu.pe


Future Interest: Criopreservation, genetic transformation of plants, metabolite evaluation


Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory

Biolog. Fernando Merino

Email: d190037@unmsm.edu.pe

Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Venezuela s/n Apartado 11-0058. Lima 11

Telefax: +51-(1)-464 9110 / 452 4135 ext 12


Research Lines:

Bacterial Lixiviation.

Biological oil degradation

Vibrio cholerae bacteriophages



"Microbial bioremediation of oil-polluted environments"

Finantial aid: FEDU-UNMSM

Ammount: aprox. US $ 2000 per year

Abstract: A collection of soil and water samples, contaminated with oil, for the selection of strains which emulsify or degradate oil. Posterior innoculum production for biorecmediation of contaminated areas. The laboratory fase has ended and field tests are starting.


"The study of heterotrophic bacteria which accompany Thiobacillus ferrotrofus in mineral lixiviation."

Finantial aid: FEDU-UNMSM

Goal: To evaluate heterotrophic microorganisms which participate in mineral lixiviation, for the extraction of low fineness metals, and for the elimination of heavy metals.


"Characterization of Vibrio cholerae ´s bacteriophage towards antimicrobial agents"

Goal: To study Vibrio phages to use them as water contamination indicators, and to characterize Vibrio strains through them.



Area: aprox. 45 m2 (1 room)

Equipment: essential for microbiological studies. Also fermentors (1 L), and access to electrophoresis equipment.

Techniques: DNA extraction, protein purification, mutagenesis, cell transformation, submerged fermentation, continous processes, process control.

Staff: 3 professors.

M.Sc. Fernando Merino d1900037@unmsm.edu.pe

M.Sc. Susana Gutiérrez Moreno d190020@unmsm.edu.pe

Biol. Miguel Talledo Rivera d190075@unmsm.edu.pe


Future interests include:

Working in joint projects with foreign universities from other countries in Latin America, specially from the Amazon basin, for the recovery of environments pollutes with oil or heavy metals.



- Yarlequé,A.,Cárdenas, J., Escobar, E., Gutiérrez, S. "Some biochemical properties and antibacterial action of a L-amino acid oxidase from peruvian snake venoms." Toxicon magazine, year 1997 Vol 35 N4

- Talledo,M., Gutiérrez, S., Merino, F. "An alternative for Vibrio cholerae detection in water" (1994) Revista Peruana de Epidemiología Vol 7 N1


Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory

Dr. Abad Flores

Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Venezuela s/n Apartado 11-0058. Lima 11

Telephone: 452 4135

Fax: +51-1-464 9110

email: d190016@flores.unmsm.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Production of Bioinsecticides.

Amilaceous residues bioconversion

Biological treatment of industrial effluents



"B-galactosidase immobilization for the improvement of dairy products digestibility. (Concluded)"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Ammount: US $ 1364

Abstract: Production of B-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces fragilis, enzyme extraction and immobilization in chitin. Also, the study of biochemical parameters of the immobilized enzyme for its testing in pilot plant scale.


"Optimization of parameters for the production of foddage yeast over milk serum. (concluded)"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC/Red Latinoamericana de Biotecnologia.

Ammount: US $ 6000

Goal: To design the technology for bioconversion of by products of the dairy industry over microbial biomass with a high proteic content, for animal and human nutrition.


"Production of biological insecticides."


Ammount: US $ 2000


1. Microorganism selection (fungi, bacteria) with potencial use in biologic control programmes.

2. Evaluate the fermentation parameters for the production of Bacillus thuringiensis

3. To evaluate the entomocide activity-Bioessays


Research Lines:

Marine microbial bioactive principles

Responsible: Jorge León Quispe

Telefax: +51-(1)-911 01452

E-mail: d190026@unmsm.edu.pe



"Evaluation of the antibiosis of inhibitory substances produced by marine bacteria in the presence of ictiopathogens".

Period: 1997.

Goal: To select marine bacterial strains which produce the bioactive principles.


"Isolation and phenotypizal characterization of marine bacteria with antibacterial capacity associated with bivalve molluscs".

Period: 1997.

Goal: To evaluate bioactivity over diverse natural and synthetic substrates.


"Purification, characterization and antimicrobial spectrum of inhibitory substances produced by marine bacteria."

Period: 1998.

Goal: To characterize phenotypically the selected bacteria with taxonomic purposes.


"The evaluation of marine bacteria which produce "extracellular enzymes" in association with bentonic invertebrates. Biotechnological perspectives"

Period: 1999

Goal: To biochemically characterize the nature of bioactive substances from the selected strains


"The evaluation of marine bacteria as "probiotic" agents and bioremediation in acuiculture"

Period: 2000.

Goal:To evaluate the selected strains and/or their bioactive products in biotechnological processes with enphasis in acuiculture.

Finantial aid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones - UNMSM

Ammount: US $ 2500 (per year).

Additional aid:

Advanced Studies Research Center from the "Instituto Politécnico Nacional" from Mexico (CINVESTAV- IPN).

Marine Microbiology Laboratory, Universidad Católica Valparaíso, Chile



- Vilcapoma, Amabilia; Abad Flores, Jorge León y Débora Alvarado. 1992. Determination of the frequency of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other halophilic vibrions in food prepared with fresh and processed marine products. Rev. Per. Biol. 4(1-2): 17-20. Lima, Perú

- León, Jorge & Patricio García-Tello. 1996. Secondary Metabolites with antagonic activity produced by marine bacteria. Public. Ocasionales. Inst. de Oceanología, Universidad de Valparaíso, N' 10, 16 pp.

- Jorge León Q. 1999. Research on marine bacteria which produce secondary metabolites of biotechnological interest. In InvestigaciÛn Inmaculada Magazine02 (2): 67 -73. Universidad Cristiana del Perú María lnmaculada, Lima-Perú

- León, Jorge; Pablo Conejeros and Patricio García_Tello. 1998. Chromogenic bacterioneuston from litoral pools and its roll in mineralization process. Rev. Biol. Marina y OceanografÌa 33 (2): 345-350. Valparaíso, Chile.

- León, Jorge & Patricio García-Tello. 1998. Native strains from the marine bacterioneuston and its inhibitory activity of ictiopathogenic bacteria Rev. Per. Biol. 5(1): 47-64. Biological Sciences Faculty, UNNISM, Lima-Perú

- León, Jorge & Guillermina Tapia. 1999. Partial characterization and antimicrobial spectrum of inhibitory substances produced by marine Alteromonas. Rev. Per. Biol. 6 (1): 94-103. Biological Sciences Faculty, UNNISM, Lima-Perú

- León, Jorge; Enma Castro; Fabiola Pellón and Verónica Unda. 1999. Marine bacteria in association with intertidal invertebrates and their antagonism with fish pathogens, molluscs and crustaceous. Libro de Resúmenes Ampliados, VIII Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Ciencias del Mar, Trujillo-Perú 1999.

- León, Jorge; Flores Abad; Vilcapoma, Amabilia; Alvarado, Débora; Alcarraz, Mario; Horna, Julio and Pellón, Fabiola. 1999. Marine bacteria biodiversity which produce bioactive substances of biotechnological interest. Libro de resmenes ampliado, Seminario Taller "Impactos de los eventos El Niño oscilación sur sobre la diversidad biológica de América Latina". Lima - Perú.



Area: aprox. 36 m2

Equipment: essential for microbiology studies

Techniques: protein purification, submerged fermentation, enzyme immobilization

Staff: 3 professionals

Abad Flores Paucarima

Jorge León Quispe

Mario Alcarraz Curi


Micology and Food and Water Quality Control Laboratory

Address: Ciudad Universistaria, Av. Venezuela s/n Apartado 11-0058. Lima 11

Telefax: +51-1-464 9110 / 452 4135 ext 25

Doctor German Vergaray.

Email: d190036@unmsm.edu.pe


Research Line:

Microbiological aspects of food and water

Isolation and selection of moulds and yeasts with biotechnological purposes



"Evaluation of the people who handle food in the city of Lima"

Finantial aid: FEDU-UNMSM/Municipalidad de Lima

Goal: To determine the prevalescence of contagious illnesses (enteroparasites, tuberculosis, typhoid fever) on the people who handle food during commercial activity. Sanitary education to diminish the risk of getting these illnesses. (Concluded 1990)


"Infectious risks of the food consumed in the city of Lima."

"Infectious risks of the pools in Lima"

"Declination rate of microbial pluriindicators of sea pollution"

"Sea water pollution and the relationship between indicators and pathogen bacteria"

"Microbial damage and the risks for marine food"



- Vergaray, G., V. Béjar, C. Méndez. "Amilolitic activity of fungi isolated from amilasceous agricultural products" (1990) Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú Vol LVI N 4

- Vergaray, G.; V. Béjar; C. Méndez. "Criteria for the isolation and selection of yeast for alcoholic fermentation processes" (1990) Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú Vol LVI N 3

- Vergaray, G.; C. Méndez. "Eficiency of a programme to protect the quality of water coming from water treatment plants". (1994) Revista Peruana de Epidemiología. Vol 7 N2

- Vergaray, G. Pitiriasis versicolor: Etiological, pathological, ecological and epidemiological studies. 1993. Theorema. AÒo 2, No 3.

- Vergaray, G. Antecedents and Future of cholera in Peru. 1993. Biociencia. Vol. 2, No 1.

- Vergaray, G.; C. Méndez. Contagious risks of the water consumed i the city of Lima. 1992. Theorema. Year 1, No 2.

- Vergaray, G. Food and beverages in the dissemination of intentistal and hepatic contagious agents in the city of Lima. 1992. Biointegración. Year 2, No 3.

- Vergaray, G.; C. Méndez. Amilolitic activity of fungi isolated from amilasceous products.. 1990. Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú Vol. LVI, No 4.

- Vergaray, G.; C. Méndez. Criteria for the isolation and selection of yeast for alcoholic fermentation processes. 1990. Boletín de la Sociedad Química del Perú Vol. LVI, No 3.


Area: 35 m2 (2 rooms)

Equipment/Techniques: Essential equipment for microbiological and parasitological studies.

Staff: 2 professors

Dr. German Vergaray

M.Sc. Carmen Rosa Méndez Farra





Food and Alcohols Pilot Plant

Director: M.Sc. Eng. Mario Bautista Castro

Address: Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Venezuela s/n. Apartado 2669. Lima 100

Telefax: (01)-452 20000


Research Lines:

Maca extracts and cencentrates based food formulation

Cat´s claw extract based beverages formulation

Artichoke industrialization

Non traditional fruit nectars (opuntia, tamarind, etc.)

Obtainment of essential extracts from various vegetable sources

Obtainment and industrial application of vegetable gums.

Obteainment of carrageenan and alginates from marine algae

Cleaning and desinfection programme

Implementation of HACCP Systems



Obtaining alcohol from portatoe

Finantial aid: ENCI

Ammount: US $ 5000

Abstract: Fermentation of potatoes not suitable for human nutrition in semi-industrial pools, and using bread yeast. Obtainment of alcohol by filtration and destilation of the fermented material.


Non traditional fruit jams formulation

Finantial aid: UNMSM

Goal: To find the adecuate formulation for the production of tropical fruit jams at pilot plant scale.


Obtainment of tara gum

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Ammount: US $ 1250

Abstract: The study of the tara gum extraction to evaluate its industrial feasibility.


Extraction of Eucalyptus essential oils

Finantial aid: UNMSM

Goal: selection of the most adecuate technological process for the extraction of essential oils.



Local magazines: Colegio de Ingenieros magazine, and in "teorema" (university magazine).



Area: aprox. 1500 m2

Equipment: fermentors, marmits, mills, solid mixers, destilation column, sacharificator

Techniques: bioreactors, submergedfermentation, processes control.


Eng. Mario Bautista Castro

Eng. Norma Salas

Eng. Leoncio Reyna

Eng. Oscar Cornejo

Eng. Alfredo Palomino

Eng. Raymundo Erazo

Eng. Tomas Acero

Eng. Walter Barrutia

Eng. Jorge Loayza

Eng. Víctor Caja

Eng. Manuel García

Eng. Máximo Leyva

Eng. Heher Helfer





Address: Av. Honorio Delgado 430. Urb. Ingeniería. Apartado 4314. Lima 100.

Telephone: (01)-4820252




Physiological Sciences Department. Biochemistry Laboratory

Dr. Jorge Arévalo

Telefax: (01)-4815177

E-mail: jazz@upch.edu.pe


Research Lines:

1. Genetical polimorfism in Leishmania.

2. Fasciola hepática proteases.

3. Tripanosomates metabolism.



Parasitology Alfa Net: UCV (Venezuela), UPCH (Peru), UMSS (Bolivia), Univ. del Valle (Colombia), Universidad Nacional de Asunción (Paraguay), ULB, UCL, ITMA (Belgium), Univesite de Paris (France), Univ. de Valencia (Spain).

Finantial Aid: Comission of the European Communities.

Goal: Human resources development in the parasitology area by means of courses, training, post graduate courses.


MBRS at San Francisco State University.

Finantial Aid: Minority Biomedical Research Support Program by the NIH.

Goal: American students contact with Latin American countries.


"The effect of Vitamin A defficiency in Leishmaniasis immunity"

Finantial aid: CONCYTEC

Goal: To study the effect of Vitamin A defficiency in mice during Leishmaniasis infection.


"A study of the molecular basis of chromosomal size variation in Leishmania peruviana with particular reference to pg 63 containing chromosomes".

Finantial Aid: Commission of the European Communities.

Goal: To study genetic polimorfism mechanisms in cromosomes from different leishmaniasis from Peru.


"Clonal Variability Analysis of the Parasite as a predictive tool for different clinical manifestations in Leishmaniasis".

Finantial aid: Commision of the European Commnunities.

Goal: To serach for a relationship between the genotype and the phenotype (virulence).


"Assesment of PCR as a predictive test for relapse in American Leishmaniasis".

Finantial aid: USAID


"Obtaining a synthetic vaccine against leishmaniasis".

Finantial aid: CAF


"Partial purification of cisteinil proteinases from Leishmania braziliensisa and their use in diagnosis".

Finantial aid: OPS/CONCYTEC


"Cystein proteinases from Fasciola hepatica adult worms as marker of fasciolasis in sheep".

Finantial aid: TWAS


Additional Aid:

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. University of Alabama, Birmingham, U.S.A. CUMETROP, Cochabamba, Bolivia. University of Chicago. London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, United Kingdom. Escola Paulista de Medicina, Sao Paolo, Brasil. Institute of Tropical Medicine Prince Leopold, Amberes, Belgium. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. CIDEIM, Cali, Colombia. ORSTOM, Montpellier, France. Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.



J.C. Dujardin, J.P. Dujardin, M. Tibayrenc, C. Timperman, S. DeDoncker, D. Jacket, J. Arévalo, A.LLanos-Cuentas, H. Guerra, H. Bermudez, R. Hamers and D. Le Ray. (1995). Karyotype plasticity in Neotropical Leismania: an index for measuring genomic distance among L.(V.) peruviana and L. (V.) braziliensis populations. Parasitology, 110:21-30.


-K. Victoir, J.C. Dujardin, S. De Doncker, D.C. Barker,J. Arevalo, R. Hamers and D. Le Ray. (1995). Plasticity of gp63 gene organization in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and Leishmania (Viannia) peruviana. Parasitology, 111:265-273.

-J.R. Espinoza, A.C. Skinner, C.R. Davies, A. Llanos- Cuentas, J. Arévalo, C. Dye, W.R. McMaster, J.W. Ajioka, J.M. Blackwell. (1995). Extensive polymorphism at the Gp63 locus in field isolates of Leishmania peruviana. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 72: 203-213.

-J.C. Dujardin, A.L. Bañuls, K. Victoir, S. De Doncker, J. Arévalo, A. Llanos-Cuentas, M. Tibayrenc, D. Le Ray. (1995). From population to genome: ecogenetics of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and L. (V.) peruviana. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Vol. 89, supplement No. 1, 45-53.

-J.C. Dujardin, A.L. Bañuls, A. Llanos-Cuentas, E. Alvarez, S. De Doncker, D. Jacket, D. Le Ray, J. Arévalo, M. Tibayrenc. (1995). Putative Leishmania hybrids in the Eastern Andean valley of Huanuco, Peru. Acta Tropica 59:293-307.

-M. Lopez, R. Inga, M. Cangalaya, J. Echevarría, A. Llanos-Cuentas, C. Orrego, J. Arevalo. (1993). Diagnosis of Leishmania using the polymerase chain reaction: a simplified procedure for field work. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 49(3):348-356.

-M. Lopez, and. Montoya, M. Arana, F. Cruzalegui, J. Braga, A. Llanos-Cuentas, G. Romero, J. Arevalo. (1988). The use of nonradioactive DNA probes for the characterization of Leishmania isolates from Peru. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 38(2):308-314.



Area: 250 m2 (2 salas)

Equipment: essential for molecular biology research.

Techniques: monoclonal antibodies, DNA extraction/purification, protein purification, isoenzymes, protoplast fusion, cell transformation, DNA probes (RFLP/PCR), DNA sequenciation, tissue culture, cell culture.

Staff: 8 (and 1 technician).


Microbiology Department. Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory

M.Sc. Jasmín Hurtado

Telephone numbers: (01)-9631284, 4820252 ext 2506

Fax: (01)-440 7764

E-mail: jehurt@upch.edu.pe


Research Lines:

Biotechnolgy applied to the mining and petroleum industry: bacterial lixiviation, cyanide biodegradation, Wetlands, Bioabsortion and Bioremediation.



"Bacterial lixiviation of gold-bearing concentrates"

Finantial Aid: Minas Ocoña S.A


"Isolation and characterization of mesophilic and termophilic microorganisms isolated from copper lixiviation piles."

Finantial Aid: Southern Peru Limited


"Cyanide biodegradation."

Finantial Aid: Consorcio Minero Horizonte


"Isolation and characterization of microorganisms present in petroleum and fuels."

Finantial Aid: PETROPERU



-Hurtado, J.E., Yu-Li Tsai and O.H. Tuovinen (1987). Effect of oxyanions of sulfur on Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: ferrous iron oxidation, oxygen uptake and cytochrome reduction. Curr. Microbiol. 15:111- 113.


-Hurtado, J.E. (1993). Advances in biotreatments of minerals and mining effluents. Acta de investigación Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencia and Tecnología 1(1):36-39


-Hurtado, J.E., J.L. Bauer, H. Maldonado, E. Cruz and E. Lazcano. (1990). Arsenic solubilization in peruvian ores by T. ferrooxidans. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dump and Underground leaching of metals. Leningrado, URSS. Karavaiko, G.I. and G. Rossi, eds. Centre for International Projects.


- Hurtado J. E. (1999). Ecological alternatives: Biotechnology in mining industry. Prensa Minera. (2): 34-36


- Hurtado J.E. (1997). Applied biotechnologies for acid drainage. Technical workings from the first National Environmental and Mining Security Symposium. Ed. Colegio de Ingenieros. Pp 97-100


- Hurtado J.E. (1999). Acid water treatment using wetlands. Prensa Minera. (4):20-22


- Hurtado J.E., A. Berastain, J. Rivera, B. Ramos y D. Cornejo. 1996. Technical workings from the First National Mining Congress. 90-92.


- Hurtado J.E. y A. Berastain. 1995. Biochemical changes in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans growing in arsenopyrite. Biohydrometallurgical processing. Ed. T. Vargas, C.A. Jerez, J.V. Wiertz y H. Toledo. Pp 109-112


- Hurtado J.E. 1999. GOld bearing concentrates biolixiviation. Perú Minero. (14): 88-100.


Area: 70 m2

Equipment: microbiology essential material, lixiviation columns, electrophoresis.

Techniques: DNA extraction/purification, protein purification, mutagenesis, protoplast fusion, cell transformation, DNA probes(RFLP/PCR), tissue culture, fsubmerged fermentation, cell/enzyme immobilization, continous processes, process control.

Staff: 2 professors.



Physiological Sciences Department. Affiliated Laboratory

Dr. Ramiro Castro De La Mata


Research Lines:

Pharmacological and toxicological screening of plant and animal products.




Address: Av. Benavides s/n SURCO, Lima Perú

Telephone number: +51-(1) 449 2510

Fax: +51-(1)-475 6928

email: mquino@acer.com.pe


Biotechnology and Genetical Engineering Laboratory

Dr. Mauro Quiñones

Research Lines:

Micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis


Staff: 6 professors


