The conference

Dr. Jorge Alarcón Novoa
Academic Vice-President at Agrarian National University La Molina

Mark Russell
NACTA President

Thematic areas

Student-centered education

The development of constructivistic theories has had an impact on the role of the student and the teacher in educational contexts. Currently, the student is expected to be the protagonist in the classroom, be responsible for their own learning, while the teacher fulfills a role of enabler.

Research, reflections and strategies about student centered education will be explored within this thematic axis that, considering its benefits inside and outside the classroom.

Innovation in the continuous development of the teacher

Teacher training involves constant updating, not only in their specific field, but also in pedagogical matters. This thematic axis will focus on educational innovation as an important aspect for the continuous development of the teacher. The main practices, proposals and concerns of the teachers will be reviewed to innovate in their training with the aim of improving the teaching-learning process.

Sustainability and environmental awareness in education

Currently, it is not only important that education considers development as a production outcome, but also that the reflection on the impact of decisions on the environment and the sustainability is taken into account. The main objective of this thematic axis is to explore the best ways to approach issues such as sustainability, environmental impact, moral and ethical awareness in the classroom. This will allow contributing to the development of responsible professionals committed to their environment.

Integration of research and extension to teaching

One way to enrich the teaching process is to integrate aspects such as research and extension. Integrating research into teaching involves including findings and / or research processes in the development of the courses. Teaching and extension are integrated when the university community contributes to the development of its context. In this conference, proposals that integrate the teaching and research, teaching and extension processes or a combination of the previous two will be discussed.

Conference activities

Keynote conference

45-minute conference given by an expert on one of the thematic areas followed by a 15-minute question and answer session.


20-minute presentation related to the thematic areas followed by a 10-minute question and answer session.

Research work

12-minute presentation about the research carried out, or compilation of several researches. Then, a round of 5-minute questions will be held.


90-minute practical session around an issue linked to the thematic axes of the conferencegiven by an expert.


Exchange of perspectives among experts around a problem linked to the thematic areas of the conference.

Research speed dating (RSD)

7-minute meetings with different experts about research carried out linked to the thematic axes of the conferences.

Poster session

Presentation of research using an academic poster linked to the thematic axes of the conference.

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